Just Get a Camry

What’s the projected book value when the car’s ten years old? ‘Cause I’ll be in the market then for sure.

Maybe Coach Walton just can’t relate to what it was like for Lonzo to grow up with a dad constantly spouting nonsense for public consumption.

Addiction is such a terrible demon to battle. Mental health issues, the same. To hell with the football games, I hope that Josh gets his life and his mental health straightened out soon. I feel for him.

Deadspin is committed to allowing people to maintain their privacy. So there is real consistency here. 

I always had a thing specifically for the VW Golf’s gauges between 09-2014 before they changed them slightly to have the inbetween MPH labeled like the other models had. Reminded me of Braun watches.

I thought the dipstick in BMWs was located in the drivers seat?

That means a great deal coming from you, you know that right?

Cold AF.

*High 5*. Remember when Gen X was told that we were “the first generation whose income would not exceed our parents”?

ITT: Millennials acting like they’re the first people to ever have to face crushing student loan debt, disruptive technology, and a crap economy and job market while being condescended to by previous generations.


Editorial assignments...

Jalopnik, figure out how to blame this on Trump.
Jezebel, put the blame on men (in general).
Root, use this to put white people on blast... give “Preowned Patty” what-for.
Kotaku, think you can spin this around on the transphobes?

Heaven forbid we get into the whole Hulk Hogan fiasco...

The websites formerly controlled by Gawker, “Street Outlaws shouldn’t be on TV.”

Eh, that sounds more like a bidet to day injury.

I gotta say, respect to the Madden curse for really upping its fucking game. No resting on laurels there. 

The fourth generation Honda Accord has aged incredibly well. Honda was getting things right in the early ‘90s. Clean lines, excellent proportions, and an honest design that said quality without looking like it tried too hard.

I’m calling BS on that based on the number of Forester XTs I see out there.”

Seriously, they’re the worst.

FCP has been my go-to for years. Good prices. Fast service. EXCELLENT support. And their lifetime warranty is pretty sweet too.

What’s the point of this article? Pettiness? Envy? Jealousy? Gotta knock a rich white boy down? Is this ‘journalism’?