Just Get a Camry

Does Deadspin's have editors or a fact checking person? Or is it more of OMGz WE GOT TO PUT IT UP NOW before "X" beats us? A "My Mistake" is not really owning it, Sean.

Ok, Deadspin. We get it was not enough. What would have been a sufficient suspension?

So what does Deadspin's staff/editors think is fair sentence? Serious question.

Also paid for shills to post in comment sections saying how great a decision this was. Well played, Mr. James.

MO of parents to hold back kids nowadays. Easier to pick on the competition...err...let their minds develop more.

Really, Tim? Making fun of an enthusiastic 15 year old for misspelling a word to the spelling bee? All for some extra clicks?

We shall see if it makes it there. Best of luck with your WRX and hope it makes it to 100K without any major issues.

What do you define as "reliable" under 21st century standards?

My original point was that hot hatch does not equal unreliable. Not trying to start a flame war between brands. It us (hot hatch owners) against them (beige driving appliances).

I rather a water pump go then have to open up a transmission..but then fanboy logic never makes sense.

Which gen SI did you have? As i recall honda had to recall the 6speed transmission due to the 3rd gear popping out. As i recall they had to open the tranismission and replace the 3rd gear set.

get a Vagcom cable for $2xx. Read and clear your codes on your own and do other tweaks. Best money spent.

What problems did you have with your GTI?

Its articles like these that keep people from buying fun driving cars because of fear it may blow up. Then they stick to corollas and camrys and everyone bitches about no one buying something else that is fun.