
I liked how curious the other giraffe was, too. That one is just like us, a rubber necking looky loo sticking their nose in where it is not needed. Also, it missed the big moment and only came in a few seconds after the baby came out.

Maybe because I am in Canada and go to mostly a university campus? All departments have a sign thanking all visitors for not wearing scents in order not to aggravate people’s allergies. My local libraries and my doctor’s office have similar signs.I don’t go to shopping malls, but I imagine there is scent allowed there.

Maybe because I am in Canada and go to mostly a university campus? All departments have a sign thanking all visitors

Does anyone go anywhere that they are not asked to be scent-free anymore? I would love to wear perfume, but all the places I go ask me not to wear any scents.

Does anyone go anywhere that they are not asked to be scent-free anymore? I would love to wear perfume, but all the

Isn’t that girl a little old to be sitting on daddy’s lap. Vomit.

I despise the song Kokomo. Maybe I’m some sort of under-cultured cave person, because to me it has always sounded like elevator music.

Yeah, the asking for his mom really did me in. It makes me so sad for him, and us that this is what we have come to.

“I want my mom” is a heartbreaking thing to hear that the guy pulled over said. I hope the cop made that part up.

Thandie Newton is the lead in the 4th season of cop drama Line of Duty. She is amazing in it (no surprise). Sorry, I know this is not what you were talking about, but I am so excited about this season of the show. Each week I am waiting with bated breath for the new episode.

I would prefer not to talk about that.

But still really, really hot in this picture.

Cops need to learn they are not Judge Dredd. No one needs them to mete out punishment as they deem fit. How any of these unproven charges merit a head stomping is beyond me. Administrative leave = paid vacation. Shit has to change, this is too common a story.

Everyone needs role models.

What, this ridiculousness has been suggested out loud by other people before this? It is becoming more clear every day how it is that Trump was elected.

And Splinter! I want a baby Splinter to nurture. Where do I get this procedure, sign me up.

This is devastating. It won’t matter what this mother did or did not do, she wall always wonder if she did something wrong or omitted to do something that could have altered the course of these events. I am sure the sister will be traumatized for life, as well. And, the potential of this boy’s life is lost, wasted. I

You know, I think his kitchen staff may be trying to save the country by killing Trump and these public reports are putting paid to that attempt. I don’t really care if the people who are paying $200,000.00 a year to get access to the POTUS are in danger of falling ill. I bet they all have adequate health care.

I thought there was no way Trump would be elected. Please, please, please let his father’s disaster of a Presidency resound in people’s memories and souls in order to ensure that there will never be ANY of his progeny elected to anything, anywhere, ever (this includes to be team captains in grade school).

Yes, she is an actress playing a role. But, we are audience members who also have a role to play. We must put aside any previous knowledge of the actor and suspend our disbelief and play along with them. That is a bridge too far for me this time for this actor in this role.

Yeah, I am ambivalent about this role for her. She grew up in a wealthy family, is super wealthy now and was never the type of person anyone would mistake for a maid. Let’s be clear, whether in Mexico or America her wealth allowed her privileges and exceptions to bias and prejudice that no other poor (or even middle

Sean Spicer applied, but they didn’t hire him.