
You know, growing up we were warned against marrying people who were cheaters, alcoholics/addicts, domestic abusers, etc. But another vice which can have profound effects on a marriage is LAZINESS. Having a home, maintaining a marriage, and raising kids is a lot of necessary and tedious work. If your partner is

Here’s the issue my husband believes (like literally believes) we are at 50/50 when in reality it’s more like 90/10 and it blows my mind. What was even more revealing is I tried to create a chore chart/list to create a more equal workload but so many items I was like “he won’t do that right” or “this looks like he’s

Because a lot of dudes literally don’t see or understand the full scope of the work as a result of socialization. Women see the unequal distribution of household labor because they’re the ones doing the work. It’s like how white people don’t see white privilege because they’re the ones with the privilege. People of

You read Jezebel.

“cuz MY MOM did it!”

What were the consequences if you didn’t? That’s the part you may not remember, but which is part of every solid parenting strategy. It may not be something you consider a “trick,” but getting a 6-year-old to remember to do something every single day without being reminded constantly or screwing up constantly

How Not to Add an Additional “Child” to Mother After You Become a Mother By Requiring Your Husband to Act Like a Grown-Ass Man

I cried and was scarred so much from being teased, that I don’t want my child going through that. I am ashamed that I thought this way, but I identified it and can say I am working on it, one day at a time.

I loved this. Especially being a dark skinned black woman. I know I still have issues from childhood, and I thought I had gotten over them like other people have said but my preferences and things I do directly correlate to my skin tone and how I feel about myself.

Or just how to cook up stuff with vegetables that actually tastes good. Having grown up in a household in which cooked vegetables inevitably came out of the oven in a Corningware casserole in a sad shade of overcooked green, it’s been a revelation to roast, steam and otherwise prep them in a way that makes me want to

I’ve been watching this show and totally agree. They’re all so cute. They haven’t been totally stifled yet and I love it. As a reformed (not really lol) know-it-all who now babysits and tutors, I lowkey love know-it-alls.

I’m also fucking tired of the media pussyfooting around saying things like “King said controversial comments” or “Comments that might be viewed as racially biased and insensitive” and just say the guy is a fucking white supremacist who believes in the same things as the Ku Klux Klan and that Nazi Party.

People who get a sense of pride from fondly reminding citizens of a different race that there was a time they could be bought and sold as property...these people should be eliminated from public office.

I live in SC, so I hear the flag “heritage” bullshit all the fucking time. These yokels think it’s cool to be subtly racist, but guys like King mainstream it.

Conservatives don’t think. They feel.

And ladders and shovels and dynamite and bolt cutters and welding torches and pick axes and rock hammers and Rita Hayworth posters and...

Displaying a Confederate flag on your desk should be instantly disqualifying, especially when you represent a state that fought for the Union. Iowa, y’all deserve better than this.

I suppose I should be surprised that this dude thinks biological isolationism is even possible in a nation with near 400million people. After all he’s part of the same group that thinks a wall across our southern border is a solid option for stopping people from coming in, in a world where we have planes and boats and

Don’t even need xenophobia just the brown skin. Being a black man that grew a beard post 9/11 I was definitely asked if I was converting/was I Muslim/”jokes” about joining ISIS