
Most people are actually more making fun of Bernie or Bust supporters than Bernie supporters who now support Hillary though yes there are a few. Here is what you have to realize though for most people of color, Muslims and gays it is terrifying to think of Trump in the white house. “Law and order” is a dog whistle for

No its the idea that civil rights legislation is unnecessary and the fact that someone has to prevent the corporations from dumping toxins in the water.

Brazilians are obviously Latinx but do they count as Hispanic? If it’s referring to language I would think not.

I am so sorry you have to do this I cannot imagine how much it hurts. Just know this it helps those of us who feel like you do but cannot articulate it. Just to know someone else is as heartbroken as we are. That's very little I know but hopefully it's not nothing.

Oh god I can so fucking relate to that. I HATE that I am silently secretly glad that my son looks white instead of black like my father. I HATE that I am afraid for my nephew because he is darker like me. I fucking want it to not make a difference. Is that so goddamn much to ask?

Oh I completely agree that the cameras are not the end but addressing the culture will be very very hard and there will be a lot of push back. However getting the officers to pause and think - ‘I might lose my job’ and hopefully eventually ‘I might go to jail’ might make them pause and not shoot. The other cultural

Ah but being an optimist I think that people are going to start to assume the cops are lying if they don’t have body camera footage because there will be enough of these videos showing their behavior.

A staggering amount of money for the families is not a staggering amount of money for the theater. In 2014, Cinemark generated a total revenue of 2.63 billion US dollars. They have the legal right to do it, however it lacks compassion.

Just keep trying. My son started out with My Little Pony, then went through a stage at end of pre school thru 1st grade where there were “boy things” and “girl things” now at 5th grade he is back to thinking that is silly. It helped that I like “boy things” like video games and I watched “girl movies” with him like

I thought that too but there was a pro life woman being interviewed on NPR and she went on and on about how unsafe abortion is and how it’s terrible for women and the clinics are unsanitary etc. etc. and that so many are being closed down for safety reasons. When the interviewer pointed out that doctors state it is

Depends on how much the parents talk to each other and the kids. I know a LOT about my friends kids and I share quite a bit if it though not all with my kid. For example my kid knows that my friend’s kid threatened to run away.

You’re seriously going to applaud for people voting to put Trump in as President of the United States? Or are you talking about people who live in states you think will vote for Hilary anyway? Ok well ... I suppose it’s a clever way to be a Trump supporter and try and trick people into voting for your candidate.

She might as well have gone all in and used n***a if she was going to try the “but black people can say it” whining. You know she wanted to.

Yeah I was suprised too when they started doing it. I had thought it was my vacation time, apparently not so simple.

You know that employers can force you to take your paid leave right? Mine just starting doing that because it somehow saves them money so everyone gets mandatory vacation the same 2 weeks. Since they can do it already might as well make them useful to the employee and not just employer.

Perhaps for a robot who did not have to do that interview.

True but some of them think the answer is to allow 18 year olds to drink beer. However there are valid reasons about judgement and incomplete brain development why we don’t let them drink. I just think those are the same reasons we should not allow them to get maimed or die.

I don’t think any kids boys or girls should be conscripted. Conscription age should be 21. I don’t think we should ask kids we don’t trust to be allowed to drink to kill people but I’m sure I’m in the minority.

See here is the thing all the “professional” responses are much well, meaner. Her response is just a harsher version of ‘get lost’ which given that the woman she was interviewing had to ask her if she was alright was a measured response. A professional response would have been a treatise explaining why denigrating the

Me too.