
Are you sure you’re reading the same European history I am? I mean they have also had wars, civil and otherwise, attempted genocide, terrorist attacks, violent criminals etc.

Yeah you know what I don’t believe him. I suppose it’s good that he has changed his argument to all non-American Muslims when he got pushback but I think he really meant what he said when he used the word ‘all’. I don’t think he thinks they are ‘real Americans’ anymore than he thinks hispanics or blacks are ‘real

It’s all code. Have the guests give their race. Keep a counter of number of guests refused by race. If there is a biased pattern discuss with the host. If it does not change kick them off the platform.

He said “all” not “all non-citizens” hence unconstitutional as you just agreed.

Yes but it sounds like reasonable doubt is going beyond providing alternative explanations, alibis etc. if there is a feeling of being required to 'go after' the victims. That is an implication that you can say "you're lying because xyz" with no evidence at all for that position. If your defendant says that the

I would have to see survey results from them honestly. Last news story about this prime minister was finally starting investigation into the deaths and disappearances going on. Whereas here in CA last news story was a professor attempting to minimize all the native Americans who were killed by European expansion as

Yeah it is sad that most people will not change but you never know. The thing is I used to (back in oh 2003 or so) think that hey guns are fun. Went target shooting. Loved it. Thought about buying a gun because we didn't have a kid (never wanted a kid and a gun in the same house) even contemplated joining the NRA.

Yeah I hope that too. I'm pretty sure he won't marry someone like that though since he gave half his pocket money to doctors without borders during the Ebola Crisis because he heard that most people were not giving. I've never been so proud of him.

More mass shootings than days of the year - "Only in America"

I have a strange view on American exceptionalism. I do think America has unique features I just think that they are that 1) It is the only western industrialized country that has a large percentage of religious fundamentalists (hence large beliefs that evolution is a belief and climate change does not exist). 2) Is

You think it’s 40 percent. I would buy the 25 but not higher than that for hardcore. Now softcore - yes polls have showed that much sadly.

He’s basically what a moderate republican used to be in the 80s. Well without the racist stuff obviously but most of the moderate Republican’s then were decent if not great. He is a pragmatist mostly. He honestly thinks America’s capitalistic system is the best and honestly believes that more innocents are saved by

Next time paste them this. The guys who did it were adamantly pro gun and surprised by the results and did their best to spin it but there it is.

Yeah the 1960s Republicans and Democrats were very different from today. Heck the 1980s Republicans were very different from today. I don’t like Regan but Trump/Carson/Cruz are a horse of a different color. 30 years ago I would not have cared much if my child married a Republican today ... I guess if they were very,

I don’t get it. I thought the job of a defense attorney was to present any and all evidence that their client was innocent. Make sure all mitigating circumstances are explained and generally ensure that the trial was fair. Your comment that you have to “go after” the victims means that the perception? reality? is that

Most universities have a form that a student can file giving their parents access to their grades. If your parents are paying tens of thousands of dollars for your education it is entirely reasonable for them to get a copy of the report card,

Yes. This a cultural thing. For many African American communities it is disrespectful for children to refer to an adult by just their name. So a child will refer to an older adult as “Miss Julie” or “Mr John”. For West Indian communities you always refer to your friends parents as Mr Johnson and Mrs Johnson. Doing

I come from a country where a huge number of women are “baby mothers” not wives. Those of us who are married would like to keep the Mrs because it says something positive about our husbands that they actually married us. Also frankly it is a status symbol. I like that Ms exists but personally I want Mrs to still exist.

People keep saying this but I’ve been doing history with my son and it’s actually not as true as people present it. First of all Wilson was bad even for the time. However there were an admitted minority of people who were against slavery, supportive of native americans rights etc in the 1600s. We learned about Roger

You are no longer in charge of your party. None of the current Republican candidates represent your position at all. In fact Hilary is closer to your position than they are in honesty.