
The week before 9/11 I remember meeting my mate’s sister at the gate after she came back from a trip and we helped her carry her bags to the car. 1 week later and you can’t even get within 1000' of a gate unless you have a boarding pass and go through security and naked body scanner.

If consumers got to pay the same prices insurance companies negoatiate for It would probably be better than having insurance. I pay $226 for 2 healthy adults. My insurance paid a negotiated $36 for my last office visit for a checkup and that took care of it. If I had to pay it would have been $140. $1600 ish for a

We should totally go out for pie and coffee. And take pics. I’m Huntington, WV and Jim’s Diner(which is a local landmark) is having its annual Strawberry Pie Week. There is literally a line of over 200 people outside my office...... trying to get a pie. If you are around we should go. Seriously, google it.

You gotta try this, just do a Google Image Search on “Twin Peaks” There are literally 3 different pics of the detective drinking coffee, and i’m on the first screen. I’m not saying the show was good or bad........ i’m just saying there was a lot of coffee and pie shots.

All I remember was a guy in a suit drinking coffee and eating pie in every single episode. It was like a documentary about Coffee and Pie.

Is every one of your articles about yourself?

Just came here to say “Grow up” None of you are 16 years old.

Man all I can remember from Twin Peaks was a guy that really liked Pie and Coffee. Like every episode was just a guy eating pie and drinking coffee in a diner. Oh wait....someone maybe got murdered and had letters shoved under her nails..... and a backwards talking guy danced? That might have been in the story but

When you can’t think of anything else for your ad campaign use a naked lady?

A show so bad it got a spin-off. American TV rests on the idea of variable ratio schedule of reinforcement. You only need one decent episode per season to get people to come back once per week every week for 8 years. Outside of America television programs have a beginning middle and ending then stop. In America to

I wonder where he could have got those ideas? Oh, maybe it was from the Original British Version of the show!

This is starting to sound like that old story where a soldier sent home a Jeep one part at a time.

Every flight is like Thunderdome “2 men enter one man leaves!” I’m kidding. Just be nice. you laugh but one time this lady pushed her seat all the way back, and this guy got airsick on a flight from Washington to Tokyo Narita. This guy had to vomit but couldn’t get up and projectile vomited on her head. Long

“Yeah, I’ll totally go with that if it is popular and everyone was going to do it anyway!” - Elizabeth Warren ..... oh not that wasn’t her I just said that....hahahahahah. I actually kinda liked this lady up unto this exact moment......what a turd.

Man I came here to hear him say “Fuck you Americans and your Stinking Borders!” And all I got was a rational answer that almost every astronaut says.

Harper’s Bazaar is still being published? No way. And you can get a subscription to it, and people buy it?

Many cities have this program. It is not required, but can help people whom may be unaware a pregnant woman may need a seat. Men are oblivious to the world around them. It doesn’t hurt to wear a button to drive the idea of being nice into their thick skulls.

Only on the inside.

So when can we start calling them what they are RACISTS! WHITE SUPREMACISTS!

And being full of shit had nothing to do with it?