
Pretty sure that Superstore has a bigger audience over a lot of shows they cover. I actually like AVC’s focus on obscure shows and Superstore falls under that category (seriously nowhere is this show covered).

A.P. Bio is a perfect sitting in front of your TV eating dinner show. I find it very funny and the supporting characters all have nice beats too. I’d be sad if this and Great News don’t make the cut. The first season of Superstore had a few misses too and NBC gave it a chance and now it’s going into season 4 (even

To each their own, but I love AP Bio, its hilarious and constantly cracks me up, genuinely feels like a mashup of Community and Always Sunny that works brilliantly for me.

I thought the submarine was in part a call back to last season when Oliver wore the antique diver’s suit.

I feel especially gutted after watching this episode. I suppose I should have expected that June would be caught and brought back to Gilead - but silly me, I thought maybe she’d make it and the rest of the show would be about her trying to find a way to get her daughter back or something. Are they going to chain her

Kate Asleton is one of the voices, though not one of the actresses, of Vermillion.

Waitaminute...Did Lenny actually just ride through the desert on a horse with no name??

The monster inside Fukyama’s basket head is the spider-chick-delusion thing fully grown. It’s most likely metaphorical and hiding the true identity of who is causing the delusions, but I believe that person has always been under the basket and pulling the strings of this season’s many plot machinations. I’m pretty

I believe the birdlike head inside the tengai (basket helmet) was the delusion creature grown to human size.

Maybe it means that once the body is found, and they become two separate beings (Oliver and Farouk, each with their own bodies and minds, what should be 1 + 1 = 2), they can’t totally separate (don’t become 2) and Oliver will still be in Farouk’s head and fuck with him?

I think Oliver plans on killing him after he gets his body back.

Screenshot of the inside of Fukuyama’s basket.

I’m going to laugh my ass off/have my mind blown if that dinosaur-bird behind Fukuyama’s head turns out to be the show’s version of goofy, old-school X-villain Sauron.

I am a bit confused about your overly humourless response to the OP’s joke, yes.

I wish to God in Heaven above that the AV Club could leave the Gawker Network.

Jesus, dude, lighten up. When people say “atheists are just as annoying as religious people,” this is exactly what they’re talking about.

I suspect they’re more interested in subjugation than conjugation.

“Dominos Obsequious Sororium”
People called ‘Domino’ they yield to the sisters?

Not with that attitude!