
Senior citizens getting out of jury duty? Not in Colorado that I have found. I get called up over and over again, never selected because I used to work in drug rehab, and they never want me because of my court related experiences with that. If there is a way for seniors to get out of it, please let me know about it.

Spot on Bill.  I hate the term Obamacare.  It was crafted by insurance company lobbyists and not what he set out to do.  ACA is even easier to say.  It is far from perfect, it is just a start.  Universal Medicare is what is needed. 

You are not supposed to use recycled paper towels because small amounts of metal can be left in those when being created.  I actually had a roll that made my microwave spark.  I went with reusable plastic covers, they are super cheap and not as many paper towels are needed around the house. 

This is how it started in Germany. Can not believe what has happening in my beloved country over the last 4 yrs. 

Couldn’t help but notice that IP is filled past the full line that is on the pot. Just remember to not fill it up like this photo, it will also be safer to move if not as full as this photographed one is.

Now playing

You can watch it over youtube.com. The links on FB require a credit card no. free, but they say it verifies you. I’m doing the youtube.com route.

Airlines are not airports.

I found this to be true. So happy I am retired now.

My cast iron loves bacon ALMOST as much as I do. Never use seed oil to do bacon’s job.

To get no greasy mess in my oven, I tried putting the bacon on parchment paper, you want a top and bottom sheet that you can pinch the ends together, so no grease can escape and hit the hot bottom of the oven. Oh and temp wise, to get the best results, I do 300F for 1 hr. The fat on the bacon is so creamy and I am a

Please eemember to wash your face as well as your hands. Masks do not cover your whole face, and your glasses would benefit too. Your face is how the virus enters your body, keep that clean too. 

I mark my calendar for any trials at least a week in advance.  Too many sites run the payment nearest midnight the day of, so I just got in the habit of giving it a week, in case there is any hang up.  Also when signing up make sure you know where you have to advise them of cancellation. Sometimes it is a call or

I’m re-reading Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankel’s classic book on surviving the Holocaust. It seems to be helping me deal with all this. And a reminder we should never, ever, go in the that direction again.

This brings up a question I have been asking. Why just wash your hand?  I think you need to wash your hands, your face, and any clothing you wore out in public. It is almost impossible to stay home all the time, sometimes you have no option for getting food and meds. 

Veggies and fruits should be washed with water and a small amount of bleach, not soap. Rinse well and dry then put away. People have done this for years because of pesticides etc. in the food chain. 

In those 10 years, I have gone from a working person to a retired person. It has been quite the mind change to go from always saving, to the current pattern of withdrawing money from savings and spending it. Frugality is an old habit of mine and I find myself feeling torn mentally when I spend money on anything extra

Vora is also available for iPhones.  It is great if you do extended fasting. Keeps a record of your past fasting times etc. And it is free. I’ve used it for about three years now. 

I worked as a maid at a resort for a short period time in my college years. I always leave a $5/per day tip irregardless of the nightly rate. Those workers are treated very poorly and they work very hard. Until the USA joins the rest of the world, you are only hurting the workers by not tipping. And yes, leave the

I’m  mozzies’ favorite flavor. They have loved me forever. Witch Hazel is the only thing that works for me. Put it on and don’t touch it for about a min. it will not itch anymore. My great aunty taught me this over a half century ago.

Am I the only one who thinks the cops just wanted free pot, so they took it?