

I love okra anyway it comes at me, raw, pickles, Indian Lady Fingers, fried, boiled. Just bring it on. Liked your idea of roasting it and standing at the stove and eating it all right out of the oven.

Yeah Beth, same here, I referred to mine as pond scum. If you live in the West, dust gets everywhere, if the glass of water doesn’t have a top on it, it is going to get dirty. Which is one of my definitions of “go bad.”

Also in England. CNN did a two parter with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on both countries’ research. Both countries have universal health care, so they have really been studying uses for it.

My Kindle is going to get pretty full. Lots of things on the lit. list I would love to read or even reread. Thanks for this listing.

Too bad you have to use iOS 11.2.

My husband and I really do enjoy this series, watched the PBS series last year. TV is so full of similar cop and dr. shows these days, it is refreshing to see a guy enjoying the better things in life, like food and travel. I like how he sits down with a group and interacts when them. Also his parents are a hoot.

Good start, just don’t do like I did and neglect for years opening a Roth IRA. Once you get your company match, tuck those extra dollars into the Roth IRA instead of the 401K no minimum distributions to worry about, and with either IRA can withdraw what you have in there for certain emergencies. I am retired and

And yes, Dean Martin was a good actor, Rio Bravo is a delight to watch.

I wouldn’t mind them making content, if they did not just copy what is already out there. Same for the movie production companies, a few movies come out with a fresh approach to a story line, but mostly it is recycling old TV, movies, and the worst, comic books. What ever happened to creativity?

The only way to stop him, is to get him impeached or outnumber the GOP tag-a-longers in Congress. Vote and get every thinking person you know to do the same and stop him and Ryan. I’m retired and I have voted in every election and have to say this last one almost killed me, I couldn’t believe the results. Everyone

I have given up buying luxury chocolate bars. I love DARK chocolate. The bars I prefer are expensive. I am now making my own chocolates with coconut oil, stevia, and 100% cacao powder. They are delicious and calm my chocolate monkey. Since I bought the supplies in bulk, they are very inexpensive compared to what I was

Doesn’t sound weird to me at all. Heck, I eat them without salt at times. I love raw lemons and limes. You can also pickle limes this way and use with all your South Asian dishes.

Another bad idea. We pay into SS our whole working lives, it is not a benefit, it is compensation for our work that gets delayed til we retire.

I’d tell my younger self the magic of auto payments and savings. If you can live on what you are getting today, you can just stash the extra raise money into savings and emergency funds. You will regret if you don’t put all you can into a Roth IRA. Study personal finance. Remember any % of something is much better

I sear steaks in ours then place them under the broiler to finish them off. I would never get rid of my mini skillet.

You lost me at the french fries. I would use eggplant or zucchini strips instead.

You forgot Sessions.

Thanks for this. I have tried to explain this to some people, you have done a good job of pointing out the important issues. I’ll be referring some friends to this article.