
Some grow there own and there are organic apples. You an also soak and then scrub the peels of apples you are not sure of, works for me, our neighborhood used to be an orchard in the 1800s and there are apple and cherry trees all around including one in our backyard.

But they still refuse to have an easy way to search by Sender, the only thing that matters to millions of their users. All it would take is a sort button. But NOPE. I am slowly moving over to outlook.com exclusively as a result of this simple function not being available. And I know you can do a search but that is

With baggage fees (checked and not checked on some lines now), fees for seat selections, etc. LONG FREAKING TSA lines, etc. It is still less than most other flights out for those of us in the DIA service area. That good deal on a flight quickly becomes middle of the road. SW’s big advantage is still the free checked

Use it as an international travel phone, just get local sims and you’re golden. Better in the long run than the trade in deal for the 4 and 5 xs.

I use old towels cut to fit my swiffer mop head. Just toss in the wash, and reuse.

I didn’t file for small returns when I was much younger. At the time it just didn’t seem worth the effort. I HATED the forms, it was just a small amount. Later I realized how foolish that was.

I found the tool but nothing to give a definition of “pleasant weather” , what does the 0,1 etc for crime stand for is 1 better than 0 or vis versa. Tools that don’t explain their criteria are not of much use.

Thanks for comfirming that. I have always believed this about side stitches when trying to exercise, so I just stop it when they come around.

So basically a drone has more rights in this country than a human being. We can’t shoot them, they are “aircraft”. They can fly by your windows and take pictures, drop substances that could do you harm, or even be programmed to crash into you and kill you, but since they are not a person threatening you, its all good