
Could there be an Oceans Eleven/The Sting version where the Death Star plans are stolen during a long con?

Choke to death on your sanctimony.

A friend kept repeatedly yelling in his know-it-all tone that Trump was the Democrats fault.  Rather than maybe, it’s the fault of Trump voters? I unfriended and blocked his number.

I went to the beach with family in August. After four days I was so bored I started drinking for the first time in three years. It made me happy.

Well, reporters like to cherry-pick their interview subjects to get the story they want. I didn’t vote for The Clown but will happily stop paying for ACA since I’m young, healthy and have no bad habits. If I get sick — yeah, whatever, I might die, right? I heard that dying is thing people do these days.

For what it’s worth, he’s not president yet. All the fuckery won’t start for another 4 weeks.