That sounds feasible. Where are you picking the cat up? Isn't behind the neck its neck skin? Or are you saying not to do that to an adult cat?
That sounds feasible. Where are you picking the cat up? Isn't behind the neck its neck skin? Or are you saying not to do that to an adult cat?
Happy Friday, Lifehackers! What's the best way to get a 11 week old kitten to stop biting things?
Happy to see your hand is getting better. I cringed as I read your initial (and subsequent) cat-bite story.
I'm on T-Mobile. My bill is $72 AFTER taxes. Granted, I only get 200 MB of data but given the time I'm on wifi, it doesn't matter. Per MB (or GB), their pricing for 200 MB is atrocious but at the end of the month, I still have a lower phone bill.
Anyone else think that the figurine of Liquid was actually Akiba dropping a deuce?
I agree. Have you listened to Joe & Evan on the mid day show?
I'd imagine there is a receiver that... well, receives... a signal being sent from the remote. All TVs, VCRs, DVD players, home theatres, etc have a tiny window that accepts remote control signals.
FYI- Organic produce being with the number 9.
Hey now. He didn't use it that day...
In regards to #1, car door locks indeed have a cover. Take a closer look.
FWIW, I don't have an ADD IMAGE button either.
Vote: Logitech M510
You mean build something besides a sandwich? :]
Let off some steam...
Double Rainbow guy???
Good point. From my perspective, when I'm at work or at home, I'm on WiFi. Otherwise, no data (limited plan).
But if your internet is down...?
VOTE: Run Keeper
I can get my food borne illness for free thank you very much!