Tony Baretta1

This is why the cops are up in your biz 24/7 get your violence down to Asian-American levels and the cops will go away....Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?

I think that the rest of your post got cut off, the part where you point out where they mention blacks, it is just a hangman’s noose with no racial context being expressed. They were just fucking around it is not always about you.

So you are pro lynching?

And a pre-fuck you to Vacation616

I saw that, I have drive into that area tomorrow :(

Some places that you can go to so you can find more like minded people.

Self Control?

It is funny how fast the community can find a guy with an offensive t-shirt or some Karen but not a child killer.

I assume it will be real quiet in here, not expecting 700 posts like with the Karen with the gun story.

The BLM movement doesn’t affect their lives.”

Is being against Marxism or a low key insurrection a hate crime? 

Cool story bro,

Did you hear them say something racist, cause I didn’t.

Did you hear them say something racist, cause I didn’t.


I didn’t hear anything racial in the clip.

Everyone was real sure that this was a lynching