True victims’ bodies have a way* of shutting this down.
True victims’ bodies have a way* of shutting this down.
A the plot of several movies staring Steve Guttenberg, Bubba Smith and Marion Ramsey?
What an odd connection to make. At first I thought "Oh so you're saying the spirit of love's vengeance killed this woman." But THEN I understood that you were referencing a completely non-related 25 year old incident where a prop gun firing a blank launched a tiny piece of debris into an actor and accidentally killed…
An accident waiting to happen?
Anyone who can’t learn those simple rules has no business carrying a gun. The end.
“Live Gun Demonstration”
The Four Rules
Wait, are we making fun of Meryl or hailing her for this?
Or photos of them together.
I am not 67 yet, But I am on the same page as legend Meryl
I would give up any romantic relationship before I'd give up my kids. This is so fucked. In every way.
Peterson says, “Honestly I never thought we would get into trouble for our relationship.”
The over-acting for me
He’s insisting that he didn’t say that because of her gender. It’s not going well for him.
“Thought she was being overdramatic.”
Yeah, heaven forbid he should take a woman’s fears seriously. Domestic violence victims across the world are treated this way until the worst happens.
“Thought she was being overdramatic”.
Coger is slang for fuck in Latin America, not Spain. Cogido in this context means gored, caught, grabbed. ordered a shwarma? What kind of monster ARE you?