
I didn't read any books or anything, but "glowing parasitic killing unknown thing" obviously means "it's alive, intelligent, and will kill us all", with the possible variant "we thought it was evil, but WE are the real beasts"

"the idea that it’s alive, while cool, is the sort of twist that really would’ve fit better earlier on."
Wait. What? That's supposed to be a twist? You didn't realize that a while ago? Have you ever seen sci-fi?

"Finally"? The A.V. Club?

About the "changes" to the mytharc:

And it's chilling to know that a spacefaring advanced species would take selfies…

Fuck it, I'm in

Sickle, Russia, Stalin = Communism

It obviously works on a Bistromathic Engine

I don't want to read every comment so… Are you already discussing how both Ethan and Ben actually were brainwashed and this is obviously not 4028?
Kate and the trouble and strife are right, both the men have been brainwashed (as were we, the viewers, so kudos to the writers) and they are not as much in "the future" as

It's not reverse psychology, actually, but discreet scheming. Thay all know what they mean, but they won't say it aloud

Damn this show is good at getting politics! I've lived those nights. The stakes may be lower to an outside observer, but they were the same to me…

Yet that does happen. People tend to believe politicians are slimy and evil, but the other side of that is that they also suppose that they're masterful tacticians. That isn't so, and that's what Veep really shows. Most of the time, politics is people (even nice people) reacting as best as they can to a constantly

You're putting too much faith in politics. The thing this show gets that HoC doesn't is that what lies underneath in politics is not really malice but idiocy.

The prostitute wouldn't work long, since the monster would probably kill each sucesive client nearer to her/him. But:

A) Someone who does something "Date rapey" is not "rapist"?
B) I think what people mean by saying the prostitute is a good solution is that, when the thing kills her/his last infected client, there is a good chance she/he will pass it out againg before the thing catches up to her/him again.

I don't know if I would call it a damage, though…
Sure, it's true, maybe its currently overused. But it owes to the fact that modern TV storytelling has come closer to the form of the novel and as such thinks of the TV series as a whole, with each chapter being a part of the structure, rather than a collection of

Not really, you should read the wikipedia article linked on the article. They seem to do quite well there…

because it is a solid movie and a B- doesn't make it justice. It's more like a B, actually, if you consider it's a movie aimed at (probably) pre-teens

Shouldn't you say "Vague spoilers" before vague-spoiling?

He play the straight man, and he does it nicely.