Kobé Bryant
Kobé Bryant
Timely AND relevant, how nice:
One of my best friends, from the Marines no less, just today received notice that his job with Anheuser-Busch is being out-sourced. Patriot Beer outsources Veteran.
Will we ever get a new ferociously written Burneko recipe? Nothing ever makes me curl over in laughter quite as much as foodspin.
I can only read “Mario Chalmers” in Stephen A’s voice.
Man, 91 was looking back like he was passing a car wreck. R.I.P. Eddie.
Bang Surface On Dome?
I’ve never been more proud of a 4-7 team, in my life. Thanks for the good vibes, Cleveland!
Dunkman, Dunkman live on TSN, he’s yammin’, rude!
Many applause.
Albert Burneko, master of the english language and craft of cooking, alike, you sir are the finest Deadspin contributor, bar none.
Could the power of Burneko save this poor soul, or is he too far gone?
I would say it’s an accurate observation, seeing as if this didn’t involve any injury it would be a good piece of slapstick.
Deadspin Hall of Fame shoe-in
Steve Smith Sr. pulling the pirouette in Janoris Jenkin’s face. All time classic.
Chimay was the first beer-snob-suggested brew I ever had. Now, I too am an insufferable beer obsessor, and Chimay Cinq Cents still holds a special place in my liver.
This, dammit. This.