
Dude. I have no patience for either. Ignorance is ignorance. I don’t see the reason for which I should titrate my contempt and parcel it out in precise measurement. Simply because Sarandon espoused idiocies does not justify Messing’s ignorance and refusal to back down therefrom.

No; Messing’s was basic run-of-the-mill privileged white idiocy. Sarandon is ridiculous but she hardly changed the outcome, let’s be real. We have Comey and the Russians to thank for that.

No she didn’t. What a load of horseshit.

Does she have anything for WWFDS? Wealthy White Folks Derangement Syndrome effects affluent people with low melanin. It can lead to specific psychosis, causing the sufferer to believe that vitamins can repel viruses and jamming a stone in your cooch can improve spiritual wellness.

Guilty as charged! I often use my womb not only as a psychic trash bin, but also as a literal trash bin when I am busy running around being highly productive #girlboss. Only organic, local, fair trade and compostable material goes in my womb of course. I have a very complicated recycling system in my B hole that

Ugh this shit annoys me so much, in part because it makes you sound crazy if you do say that diet and acupuncture have a *complementary* role to play, particularly in treating chronic diseases. Will diet cure your chronic fatigue? No, but it might help manage the symptoms. Will acupuncture replace all painkillers? No,

Everything in this paradigm of care is predicated on women’s willingness to believe that the problem lies with the self or is somehow one’s own fault for participating in a fucked-up system. Then they take your money.

As a lawyer that handles FTC and FDA issues for clients, I can’t believe that neither agency has knocked on Goop’s door.

i swear to G (not gwyneth) goop made me feel like my autoimmune disease was my fault - or punishment - for being codependent. like my childhood and resulting trauma wasn’t enough. fuck that shit.

But there’s a difference between having a diagnosed thyroid problem and some spiritual healer saying your adrenal glands are “run into exhaustion.” My mom has Hashimotos and had to have her thyroid removed. My aunt and grandmother have hypothyroid as well, though not as severe so they did not have to go through

Hypothyroid here. Yes, adrenal disorders are real, but so are the tests used to diagnose them and the meds we take to survive with our sanity mostly intact. (I’m with you on the sometimes foggy days, but my endocrinologist is really good at recognizing the right time to adjust my doses so those have thankfully become

People that dole out medical advice who are not scientists really need to stop. Especially the rich, white ones.

I’m with you on all of it except adrenal fatigue. I have Hashimotos and it’s a real fucking problem.

Great googly moogly, thank you for researching and writing all of this so instead of randomly hate-cruising Goop once every six months I can rest confident that I am NOT missing any of this legitimately misogynist pseudoscience. That Mother Wound shit is FUCKED. UP.

That is the reason and it bothers me. I like Rob, alot. I hate the way they treat him.

Because Rob is fat and not hot like rest of them, he is also baby mama his sisters ex boyfriend.. It’s like Melrose place all over again.

Still, [Kylie] says, “It’s really hard to support a relationship that’s really unhealthy...”

“I always wanted Hannah to either grow or to suffer real CONSEQUENCES for her narcissism, but that’s not even really what she got - she just got a chance to be selfish in a bubble and ruin a child’s life.” THANK YOU. YEP.

A not insubstantial number go because they are, in fact, psychopaths .

I have no problem with people—white or otherwise—doing work like this. What I do hate (and something I saw a lot when I lived in Cape Town for 5 months) is when people take pictures with children and then post them on the internet. I only shared images of kids whose names I knew and who I actually developed