
At first I was like YESSSSS I will be on maternity leave so I can binge watch. But then I was like NOOOOOO my 6 year old will be on summer vacation. Kids are a buzzkill for binge watching grown up shows!

“We continue to believe that gender discrimination has no place on Harvard’s campus,”

You take said pickup full of rednecks and rifles, stick them in a minority neighborhood and you think the dogs will be the ones hunted?

I burnt out quickly. It was awful. The worst is that a lot of the hoarders made me feel bad for both them and the animals - they were almost always poor, elderly folk completely shut off from community, and they almost always were just trying to take in a stray cat and do a good thing that got out of control.

This is a mental disorder related to other kinds of hoarding and has little to do with being an animal lover.

They’re technically hoarders; they’re not evil people, just sick. They probably lack the resources and/or the awareness to get help.

White liberals can't take a race joke. Everyone else is way more chilled about. Wilmore killed it btw that Stephen curry joke was pretty good with a zing



She has been to rehabs several times. Hasn't worked.

although i will add that inpatient treatment is mostly bullshit after youve been a few times. obviously medical detoxes are necessary, and the physical separation is always good, but if you are unwilling to make MAJOR life changes once you get out it’s useless. follow up programs (12 steps, therapy, SMART recovery,

something i hate about AA is how polarizing it is. next week i’ll have two years sober thanks to AA and i see it on both sides. people being adamant it’s the only solution and people (already in the comments) declaring it is garbage because it didnt work for them.

“I watched as fear invaded my father’s eyes—this man who was never afraid of anything. I heard his voice tremble as he stood in the living room and said, ‘I don’t know where I am,”

Speaking as a non-white person, fuck Ronald Reagan. I’m sure non-straights feel the same way but will allow them to speak on their own behalf.

Because he does stuff like post a shirtless selfie of himself reading The New Jim Crow? Because he used an old body building picture to make his Free the Nipple post? Because he made two separate posts about a feminist t shirt he owns in the same week? Because he posted a selfie of himself reading “She Comes First”?

I don’t see hate, just intense eye rolling, which he totally deserves.

When the police inevitably find dozens of dead bodies in his back yard, y’all are gonna be so disappointed.

No one asked the question about whether she is good at her job or not, no one cares who you think is good at their job.

You can feel bad for her and dislike her. But you’re not doing that. You’re dismissing the fact that there are scumbags writing her awful shit on twitter by saying “aww hell, that’s just the bad parts of twitter!”

Boys will be boys!