Jurgen Qatipi

Maldonado family reunion.

I think unless you do a very long bathroom break standing is actually easier. Getting down to the seat and back up is basically like doing a body squat. No thank you very much!

Have had a half dozen manual and a half dozen automatics, I can say that I'd rather have the superior DSG transmission.

You all should go fix Wikipedia then.

Why buy a manual when you can buy a DSG which is basically exactly the same as a manual except you can choose not to shift when you want to drive lazy sometimes. Or what if you break your foot or something you can still drive your car if it's a DSG so I would go with DSG.

The K900 is kind of a crappy luxury car... I'd take that car and immediately sell it.

This isn't something that a civilised person does.. No human being can do this.. To keep the bodies of innocent people away from their families.. Only animals do this kind of shit and I hope whoever is responsible pays a great cost for this..

I think it would go the other way around. basically u would have paid 7 times more for a body kit. Even the interior is the same.

This is why you don't get out of your car to rebuke another driver... they have a 2-ton weapon ready to go and you've just taken off your armor

"Handling. It is not mentioned anywhere in the interview. "

Aston Martin should just quit at some point. BMW, Audi, and MB offer much better cars for A LOT less money.

I hate you. Two-foot driving should only ever happen on a racetrack. It's easy to tell who does it, because they accelerate away from stoplights with their brake lights on and their brakes come on at random times whether they're actually stopping or not. Do you know how hard it is to follow a 2-footed driver? "Oh,

You have two pedals in that car. How hard is it to remember the right from the left? If you can't, you shouldn't be driving.

I'd rather have the starting point instead of the finished product.