
To be fair, you could also go to any other garage. I used to go to my garage at Eclipse tower to retrieve my Karuma. So yeah, it definitely evolved into a strategy to optimizing the use of the closest property, but its not really a glitch if you have to make it across town to your apartment. Maybe they should have

I mean, isn’t that just called not dying? I beat this game all the way through without dying and I remember Ratbag made it pretty far as my mole. So him working for the player isn’t the normal story arc?

I figured I’d use this place to ask. My understanding is that, if you sit a normal 7-8 feet away from your screen, you need at least a 75" screen to be able to actually discern the difference in pixels between 4k and 1080p.

I figured I’d use this place to ask. My understanding is that, if you sit a normal 7-8 feet away from your screen,

Uh, I don’t want to be a jerk, but you shouldn’t need to be convinced. The whole draw of Witcher 3 is that it has the high fidelity AAA quality storytelling of smaller, more constricted narrative-driven games, with the scale of a vast open world. Most open world games trade away fidelity for scale, but Witcher 3

Dear Kirk, I don’t want this to sound like a personal attack, but I’ve noticed you don’t like hard games. I remember you carrying on about AC3 and how hard it was and how frustrating it was to have limited checkpoints. No offense, but some of us don’t want to have a checkpoint after every little incremental advance.

People are too stuck up about the “trying to be hip” criticism. I get it, but I also get why Ubisoft is doing it. WD1 was so dry and bland and boring, the first time they introduced fun into the WD series was with WD1 DLC with T-Bone, the hippy hacker. WD1 was too much about using hacking as a boring tool for boring

Just a tip for loud/non-lethal players. One of the most powerful moves in the game is the sliding takedown. Its absurdly powerful, probably too powerful. I would run in circles surrounded by enemies and slide tackle them one after another. This is a great alternative to trying to choke an enemy unconscious when you

Yeah, I realized it wasn’t even a guard, it was a civilian. And I know I didn’t kill anyone directly, so I think they might’ve been killed by some cross-fire that I got blamed for.

And none of them are better than Lost Odyssey :(

I’m playing as Emily and I love the story and narrative, but I’m not really digging her early powers. The jump is okay, but its so limited in distance. I also was trying to do a clean hands playthrough and unintentionally ended up killing someone and didn’t realize it until after I was like 10+ hours in. So, now I

Hahaha, New York is a pissed stained city. Its great for tourism, but I’d pity anyone who has to breathe that air every day.

I mean sure, but its not better than the infinite-bottle glitch. Oh man, I miss having an inventory full of bottled fairies.

The only major content change I’ve noticed is the fact that they re-designed the QA/dev room. You can get there by entering the console command coc qasmoke, and anyone who went in the old Skyrim will instantly notice a significant expansion to the QA room, which is now larger and has more features.

Make no mistake, SWTOR is a great roleplaying game. It is a very generic and average MMO. The best thing SWTOR ever did was realize that its identity was as a unique story-driven multiplayer game, and stop trying to carbon copy every other generic themepark MMO with raids and warzones.

So here is an example of a game that Microsoft or Sony should finance to make platform exclusive. I know it sounds odd to argue for an exclusive game, but the original Jade Empire was an Xbox Original exclusive when it first ever launched. The reason I say this isn’t because I want Xbox or Playstation to have an

I mean, I didn’t think it did. It seemed to end in a pretty complex mission that allows you to both save the delegates and stop Viktor. I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but I wonder if people feel like its abrupt are people who play the game like a shooter and just blitz through every room. I snuck through the

I definitely thought the Palisade Heist was the best mission in the game. But on an unrelated note, I don’t understand the criticism for the game being short. Admittedly, I did a full completionist playthrough, but I got 40+ hours easily. I understand not everyone wants to hack every door/computer, but I never felt

Thank you for this, I don’t own a Vita, but I didn’t even know this was an option. Now I have a purchasing decision to consider.

I miss you so much Powerstone

Sure, and Valve should keep acquiring small indie projects and mods that have a lot of potential and polishing them up into great games.