
I got all skins except Roadhogs. I’m happy :3

I would murder my boyfriend if he’d even THINK about trading in a console for a 30-45 min. lunch.... Valentines day is something we despise anyway.

If you want to play with keyboard and mouse, go buy a PC. I see people raving about how you can build your own (or let someone do it for you) for the same price. Don’t be a whining little c*nt if you can’t use keyboards and mouses on a console anymore

Bullshit! My searches for Junkrat alone should land him in the top 10!

Seriously? A lot of characters only got 3 seconds to take her down before she’s airborne again. Let’s take that away completely shall we?

Really hoped to see Junkrat’s VA do his thing IRL. Alas, hopefully another day

What’s that? PC masterrace doesn’t get a release? What a day to be a peasant!

Where’s Ganymede?

Whelp, it’s not for me then, since it’s only shipped within the U.S...

Playing as Mercy, and my group thinking it’s funny to have 3 Ana’s and keep me powered up. I’ve never played Mercy the Tank, but she was just a freaking monster that match.


I’ll probably wait with the VR until more games will come out for it and the price drops. But in the meantime, I still want a new system...

Got a quadruple kill with my RIP-tire the other day. POTG?? A f*cking McCree who high-nooned a grand total of 2 people.......

I’m actually considering this thing, if only for the VR framerate. However, I don’t have a 4K tv, so I’m still wondering if there’s a point in upgrading just for that

How about the VR set coming out? I don’t have a 4k tv, but really want that set. Is a slim or the Pro the way to go? (Already have a PS4, but since I’m battling every single day for playtime with my bf, I’d figure why not get another one)

Not even Obituary?? Really?

I think the Uncharted series are amazing, if not for one buzzkill. The whole ‘there’s a whole army in places no-one has ever set foot in for centuries and YOU just discovered’

It takes you right out of the story, and realise you’re just playing a game.

C....can you draw me a Junkrat? *drool*

Sorry, English isn’t my first language :P