
Of course there is. I'm not sure why you think I'm disagreeing with you. I do not think the child will have an actual memory of this. Unfortunately with the existence of the internet I don't think there's anything that's going to keep the child from eventually finding out what happened, though.

And honestly, the fact is that guns are TEMPTING to children. Studies show that even kids who have EXPRESSLY and repeatedly been taught never to touch a gun will almost immediately pick one up if they come across it, and more often than not will also pull the trigger. As the mom of two small boys this terrifies me.

My 3.5-year-old can't muster the requisite force to operate the trigger on his older brother's **NERF** dart guns, it's incredibly frightening to think that an actual gun has an easier trigger. :(

The 3-year-old WAS armed, and now he has to live with the knowledge that he killed his 9-year-old sister. :(

Honestly, I like having a larger-than-usual age gap (in our case, 5.5 years). It was easier to have an infant when my older kid was old enough to be relatively self-sufficient, and could even help out a bit (ie, "could you grab me a diaper?"). And while a lot of people sighed as they informed me they would "never be

Yep, true. I am fortunate in that I have access to a wonderful center in the building where I work, which both my sons have attended. It costs more than a %*@^&@* mortgage though; we couldn't afford to have two in at once, which is why my second wasn't born until two months after my first started kindergarten.

Also, I believe that the Canadian system sets daycare tuition on a sliding scale, so it’s even cheaper (or maybe free?) for people who earn less.

I’m a parent and I agree with you 100%. Many advocates argue convincingly that we will never address the issue of providing workplace flexibility/ reasonable work-life balancing until we make it about *everyone” and it stops being about "just moms."

I feel largely the same way as you but I also think that women who want more time at home with their infants should have that choice. One option might be to provide alternatives: reasonable paid leave for those who want it and for those who opt to return to work, subsidized high-quality infant care.

I just did the math to figure out what I pay per day for daycare (Boston area, one of the most expensive markets in the US) — and as I should have known, it was a huge mistake.

I always wonder who the procreation-shamers think is going to keep civilization going when they are old. I mean, setting aside the obvious moral issues, as a practical matter we all NEED *some* people to procreate in order to, you know, have human beings around to maintain the economy, be our doctors and waiters and

Brendan has a petition now pending in federal court seeking a new trial. He hasn’t been forgotten.

I hated the tv show. I love the LH books beyond reason but if the movie is based on the TV show I'm boycotting.

It’s incorrect. Australia provides 18 weeks of paid leave to the primary caregiver and 2 weeks to the secondary caregiver. That is paid at minimum wage (around $12/hour US) by the government and is in addition to any paid leave provided by the employer. (This is in addition to their entitlement to up to 12 months

Exactly, the Lucas analogy is perfect.

I did, but rather than the acting per se, I thought the problem was that a lot of the dialogue writing was really stilted.

Agreed! Also, Chris Carter was the pilot writer, he’s not my series favorite — his creative genius is undeniable but I've always felt some of his dialogue sounded stilted. Looking forward to forthcoming eps written by Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, and James Wong.

According to Chris Carter, it’s based on this: (via Wikipedia) "My Struggle is a six-book autobiographical series by Karl Ove Knausgård outlining the 'banalities and humiliations of his life,' his private pleasures, and his dark thoughts..."

I was obsessed S1 and 2, meh on S3, had to force myself to finish S4 and then was like “no more!” Never watched S5 and never looked back.