Thank you for this. Also wanted to add that older kids may have had a loving foster family who did a wonderful job raising them to feel loved and safe, even if they were not a forever family - I know some of these.
Thank you for this. Also wanted to add that older kids may have had a loving foster family who did a wonderful job raising them to feel loved and safe, even if they were not a forever family - I know some of these.
If you read the comments to the Times article, you see a lot more shaming of mothers who choose daycare than people coming out in support of paid leave and quality, affordable childcare options.
I agree. I was really ambivalent about this article when it appeared in the Times and I’m just as ambivalent about its treatment here. While I have every sympathy for this family, this was a tragedy without a known cause. I remember when this happened as I read the article with my baby in daycare at the time, and it…
Believe it or not, August...... 2007. (!!!) I know! Our group was on the now-defunct and then moved to a private FB group. So it’s no longer anonymous... there are about 25 of us left now, and our kids are in third grade. It’s weird because even though some of them drive me absolutely batshit insane, I…
yeah, your response is why I really try not to judge. They way you put it, it sounds reasonable, even if I can't really understand it. :) But it sounds less like you don't trust yourself or your partner, and more like you don't trust 1) third parties (eg not to hit on you) or 2) the public (not to assume things they…
Yeah, if I were being honest I guess I would say I *aspire* not to judge people, because I haven't walked around in their shoes/ heads, and I don't know what issues they might be bringing to the table (and in some cases, whether they feel this way because their partner has given them some reason to do so). But I agree…
“screw your lizard brain" would be cool on a T-shirt.
This kind of stuff just baffles me, kind of like when you have a friend who LOVES a food you HATE, and you just can’t understand it. I’m on a birth board (ugh, I know) and someone once posted how “inappropriate” she thinks it is for any married (heterosexual) person to have friends of the opposite sex or hang out with…
I think this mischaracterization of the way the NC system works is leading to a lot of the debate over this issue. Because of the way the procedural posture of the case is being presented by the press, it sounds like he was convicted after a bench trial, and then the appeal was dropped. So a lot of people (including…
And even the ones that don't often have clerks that do. :)
He's pro se, as one might expect. :)
Ah, ok. So when people talk about the “appeal” that was never taken because (apparently) the victim stopped cooperating, that would have been the jury trial? I thought it was odd that the news reports kept saying that the appeal was "dropped" because the victim wouldn't cooperate. I'm an appellate attorney and in a…
He could have had a jury, and opted for a bench trial, as is almost always an option for criminal defendants. I assume he had experienced lawyers who made a tactical decision that he was far better off in front of a single judge than facing a jury. What’s your evidence that the trial was tantamount to a grand jury…
I serve on the board of my kid’s daycare (a center run by a large national corporation) and I am privy to the numbers; as regards our center this is actually pretty close to true. The profit for the center after expenses floats about 2-4%. While of course there are probably “unnecessary” costs or things that could be…
Some do. The teachers at my kid’s daycare almost all have their kids there. It is still very expensive but they do get a significant discount.
Also in Boston — we paid around 2400 for our son when he was in the infant room of his downtown daycare a couple years ago. The crazy thing is that that is actually a subsidized price — similar centers downtown charge between 3K ad 3200/ month. The teachers at our center have decent compensation comparatively (I sit…
Yep! I just saw that when I read the full article. But as they mention in the very next paragraph, they got lucky. Many if not most homeowner policies exclude coverage for "commercial" activities undertaken on the premises.
I agree, and I don’t even think you need the “attractive nuisance” doctrine here, because these people were invitees, not trespassers. So, the homeowner would be liable. That said, someone on another thread about this mentioned that homeowners’ policies often exclude claims when the property is being used improperly…