
Part of the trick of how prep schools send their kids to the best colleges is that they only accept the best, brightest and well-connected.

And nobody in New England would call a highway THE 91. That’s a California thing.

OK, that will be my thing from now on. Anything I think I’m too old for will be replaced by “I’m too sophisticated for this.’

This is not an “all or nothing at all” situation we are speaking about here. We are legion ya dig, there isn’t some sort of finite well of representation, but you would think so based on the way things currently are. It’s not a seesaw of colour where by if we suddenly start to show more diversity then light skinned

Amazingly, people can and often do consider more than one problem at a time. Because cops are shooting our children and politicians are poisoning entire cities doesn’t mean that we can’t discuss colorism. Not to mention, do not tell Black people how they can and can’t or should and shouldn’t feel about white supremacy

It’s not about Zoe not being black enough, as people who have discussed this issue have stated over and over and over again. She is a Black woman, clearly. It is that she is neither dark enough nor has the proper type of features to portray Nina Simone - which is obvious since they put her in blacker face and

That’s absolutely the reason for her casting, but not at all the point. We are talking about why it’s wrong, not how it happened.

You know, sometimes I think the comment section following these articles would be way less terrible if people had to answer a few multiple choice questions showing that they read (or hell, even skimmed) the post first.

And judging from the first comments even after reading Kara’s post they continue to miss the point.

I died.

Thank you for writing this Kara. It was alarming to see so many (white) people completely miss the point with this one.

Nice job Kara. This and a shout-out from Ta-Nehisi Coates himself.

But he did not hurt anyone with his foolishness, and is now facing a really horrific punishment that he may well not survive

great news

Exactly. Which is why men should not get all the higher paying jobs.

You’ve got to be kidding me! So Sanders has no women at the top of his campaign and you’re all like, “well, hopefully he fixes that, nothing to see here” while Hillary employs a lot of women and it’s yet another calculated move. Get another talking point already!

you don’t think that, as a woman in a largely male field, that she has created relationships with other women in that field? so even when she puts her money where her mouth is RE gender equality, she is pandering?

You were young and it was expeditious. I spent summers battling frizz too and I always used products for black hair. I wouldn’t feel badly about it. You weren’t calling them catki86266 braids.

This movie (10) came out in 1979 and the braids were a topic of conversation. It was appropriation then and it is now. But it isn’t new appropriation.