edited. Not touching this. Clothes are clothes.
edited. Not touching this. Clothes are clothes.
I should also add that if she does wear it for sex, I still don’t see a problem with that. It’s her dialogue which was otherwise subverted by being labeled a victim. She can express her sexuality as she sees fit.
Maybe she wears it for sex, maybe she wears it at parties or on a night out, maybe she does wear it to Kroger. I think you're ruffling feathers by calling it odd because you're getting awfully close to shaming territory on a post about her empowerment.
Fetish night while clubbing, pride parade, other performance art pieces, costume party, Burning Man, lounging around the house like a fucking badass, off the top of my head.
What she does with that outfit is her business.
This is just the best thing, and exactly what I would expect him to do!
I will proofread the shit out of this article for pennies, seriously.
There's a lot that I feel like I could improve as a parent but so far I have really kept healthy boundaries and tried not to impose my will on my kid (he's still young but my mom started early)
I think Oliveria’s probably an opportunist with ulterior motives, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something creepy going on with Simmons. If everything was totes fine, Simmons could put this all to bed by spending five minutes on the phone. The fact he didn't gave me pause.
*sends everybody in the house for therapy*
(age difference is no biggie 22/29 but he’s still young)
Adamantly insists on having sex and shitting with the doors open, son hates her. Nope, can’t figure out the connection.
Someone pointed out on Twitter that John also graduated from high school early. So he most definitely didn’t fill any bullshit quota, he’s smart and a very hard worker. Trump likely got in because Daddy was donating a bunch of money and (if they weren’t already) would become a legacy family.
Boyf for fuccboi?
You don’t want to know how he handled the phone situation. Suffice to say long distance calls required the use of THE RED PHONE.
isn’t it just using the “f” as abbreviation for profanity?
like, that’s chill af.
so instead of “friend” it’s boy”f”....
If you’re old enough to have gotten a decoder ring in a box of cereal you probably are (I am)
The Wendy Williams story is so gross. “We do not close doors in our house.” So her 13 year old son walks in on his parents having sex and then is blamed for it.
That was my favorite part, because you just KNOW if they wanted to dig up receipts, John probably had a higher GPA as well.