
Does it frickin matter? They have the money, let them own as many damn jets as they want!!

So.... can I just print a giant picture of a wasp's face and tape it to my enemy across the streets front door (or maybe an open window)?!?

Exactly; 100% agree!

This would kill the idea of W8 on a tablet for me. The ENTIRE reason I was SUPER excited about Windows 8 on a tablet was the thought that I could make it my 1 bring along item on a business trip.

If you kill a re-spawned dragon (one you already killed, they re-spawn after some time), it won't burn up and give you a soul. Just more bloody 15 weight bones & scales! =)

Makes it look like Windwaker.

YESSS!!! THank you for this!

I think ALLOT of those cars in Brooklyn are still rocking a cassette player...

I thought the OXM picture was accidentally a Skyrim screenshot for a split second... =)

They're not lingering around because we're used to them... they're lingering around because LED costs a fortune and CFL's make a horrid light that makes everyone look sick (at least the cheap ones). Not to mention that whole if it breaks, you have mercury all over your floor thing....

One of my favorite episodes!!! I hadn't watched Simpsons in like 10 years and did so the other week... they've gotten dirty!

Don't do it! It will kill your ebay/craigs list value when you're ready to sell for an upgrade in a year or two!

Holy Shit! First you tell me that it's bad for me to work at home yesterday because I sit on my ass and will get cancer... now it's bad to go in too??? =(

Let us know how it went!

Yep yep... Amazon Mom has made me a Prime addict. =)

That's true, but I'm not done with a book in 2 hours like I am with a netflix DVD... at my pace I read a book in about 3-4 weeks (1 week if on vacation), so for me this is PERFECT.

Thank you AMAZON!!!! I've been waiting for someone to come out with the equivalent of Netflix for e-readers!

I agree that this is dumb... I say that I would rather Amazon have the book available instead of not having it in e form, but they should have a disclaimer maybe pop up just before confirm the order stating that is has the limitation.

lol... My wife's trying to talk me in to it; apparently it's safer than a tubal ligation.

I honestly can't see the difference in the two pictures posted... =/