
Yeah, both my Mom's are on Facebook too (Mom & Stepmom). =) I guess that's another reason I'm not on there as much.

I would POSSIBLY sign up if they had a "transfer information from FaceBook" button where I could just put in my u/n & pw and have it pull everything over....

"Maybe black Mesa! That was a joke, haha!!!!!" I love the ending song.... =)

That's how an electronic fence works... They are a collar that delivers a slight tingling feeling as the dog approaches the boundary... the closer it gets, the more intense the tingling. The first month you have one you put down usually red or orange flags around the boundary so that the dog has a visual cue.

I wonder if they're going to be using it to build and electronic fence that uses GPS for boundaries instead of underground wires or always fidgety wi-fi...

Lol, Hearted for that; I just split my side.... co-workers are wondering why the hell I just burst out laughing all the sudden!

LOL, is this serious?!?! This brought me back to my old DND days back in the 80's... =)

Same here, I have a tiny HP Laserjet I picked up for about $130 back in 2003; we have it networked through our wifi router. Yeah the toner cartridge is about $115, but I've only had to change it once in the past 8 YEARS!

The only thing I care about is HOW QUICKLY THE CARTRIDGE DRYS OUT. I have a B&W laserjet I do the majority of my printing on, and only pull out the inkjet for color prints about once every couple of months.

He should have stayed in the vehicle... at least the roll cage would have offered some protection.

I guess it's not the Theater's that I have a problem with; I know they're being hurt ALLOT by what's going on with movie prices too.

Yeah, whatever... fuck em, I still refuse to go to the theater except for MAYBE an occasional film that demands I see it there (Peter Jackson's version of The Hobbit will be one of those).

I was just wondering about that (the FF13... not the weird chin things).

LOLLL!!!!! Thanks for that! =)

Holy Shit! Uncanny Valley be damned!!!! I think this is the first CGI that would have fooled me.

There's plants in my grill yo!

Brian, you will be missed! You, Frooch, Jason, and Jesus are what I think about when I remember the glory days of when I first discovered Gizmodo.

After playing for a few hours now; I think Duke talks WAY too much! I remember in the old Duke games, OOCASIONALY he would make a comment that was witting; and of course beating bosses were rewarded with the classic "I'm gonnna rip of your head and shit down your neck", which he then did... one of my most favorite

YAY!! I hope they let me re-live my ETA moment with the BMX bike up int he hills!

Blah, this game really does suck... I knew it would be bad, but I thought it would at least fun as a memory trip.