
You know, the solution here for companies like Amazon, BN, and Sony (and everyone else) is to make really AWESOME HTML5 based, iPad targeted, websites. I don't think it would be that hard to make a "Kindle" website that a user could navigate too, log in, and have a very APP'ish experience.

Ok, first off... did the guy just FLICK OFF Watson?!?!?!? Did anyone else see that?!

Is that Shawshank music going on there?

@iconeater: Holy shit... omg.... I'm scared now...

I actually like the ad... not sure why there's all the hate.

The NC purchase is seriously one of the best ones I have ever made (got it several weeks ago...

NOT FAIR! What about Net Neutrality! =)

Hey Gizmodoites! I am a recent convert to Android (switched from iPhone 4 to Android because of a company phone company change, and then sold my iPad after picking up and rooting a Nook Color).

What the HELL is that lead shot?!? It looks like rape... =/

@ɹǝʌoɹ ǝƃuɐɹʇs: If you're in the know, it was a Gulfstream GV (I think it was a G550). The landing roll on one of them is only about 1500 feet, but it needs a little over 5,000 feet for take off.

I've actually seen this done before. I used to work at a small airport with a runway just under 3,000 feet. We had a small jet do an emergency landing there.

It doesn't matter... it's going to be WAY more expensive than the Nook Color.

HOOK HOOK, Give us the HooK!

@tomsomething: I think it HAS to be populating while the search is happening. I can understand these "farms" putting hundreds of fake phrases in, but are they really going to have phrases that are things like \RSPL\RSPL.cpp (723) init USB fail.

@tomsomething: Yeah, I've been noticing that exact same thing allot over the past several months... It's like the website sees google searching for it and really quick pops up a hit with that phrase.

@Tim_Ballard: There is such a thing as a Metric Ton (hint - it's 1000 kgs).

I think this ties in with the article on Fuel Cells the other week... just saying.

@Arvin Dang: Gotcha; I didn't realize it made a difference if you were on wifi or now - I thought it was just the cost of Amazon processing it.