
Most jet aircraft now days are generating A/C current anyway - so I call shenanigans on having to have an inverter.

Looks good! Making me hungry...

@kaffeen: Agreed; $5 w/out advertising and I'd be in...

In the 1st 2 hours of play I have had 3 times where it has frozen completely - only a hard power down/up would fix it.

What a mess.

I wonder how fast their DVD burners are...

@Red Rocket: That's awesome... I mean that your wife watches Dr. Who! My wife steers clear of anything sci-fi, except for she did really like BSG (had to watch Desperate Housewives as a trade-off to get her started).

You just discovered the Dr. Who effect; your desk is now a tardis!!!!

@Jason Chen: Give that poor bunny some carrots already! =)

What's bunny eating Chen? Readers are dieing to know...

If X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter got ported, I know for a FACT that I would lose my job...

I'm on the 3rd season of my re-watch of BSG in Netflix; adding that show to instant stream has totally raped my work performance this past week.

@Mr.SithNinja: I have to agree here. I love George, but re-editing this took the really changed the character and left me feeling icky...

@Boo-Jays: Did you make this rule up? It makes perfect sense!

Looks like the famous deep space galaxies photo

Does anyone out their have 2 Facebook accounts? A public one and a private/family one?

What came first; the round chicken or the round egg?

I really hope this guy doesn't kill himself... =/

It's usually raw meat that get's all nasty over time; the cooked burger had all the living things destroyed when cooked.