
Actually, I think he may have some of it right - the internet is allot like the atomic bomb.

Would this actually be illegal on a flight? I don't see a knife, no nail clippers, no cork screw... Anyone know for sure?

She looks too much like Michael Jackson for my taste... he should have just stayed with his wife.

I would absolutely LOVE a 7" iPad. I love my current iPad with my only complaint being that it is a little too large to hold comfortably with 1 hand in bed (it tips over due to the size/weight).

@Nzad: This is seriously one of my favorite SNL clips of all time... and I'm old enough to have seen the good old days....

@Nitemancometh: Nononono, definitely not making fun of Mr. Rams - just for some reason, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the pic. Brought back lots of old memories... and made me feel a little old (is that movie really 22 years old!?!).

Top pic looks like the crazy guy from Roger Rabit...

Looks like a Covenant Ghost... Halo meets PC meets Motorcycle.

Mark, thanks for everything and good luck on all future endeavors! You will be missed; always loved the depth you brought to your articles... they transformed a "blog" into something truly education and not just entertaining.

I feel like I'm watching open heart surgery...

@cc: To be honest; I have never really even noticed my iPad getting noticeably warm... My iPhone is a different story, but no issues with the iPad. I think I even remember Giz in their review saying that it never got hot.

Yeah, I think I'd stay clear... that whole zero previous feedback is enough for me...

@bradtricker: A+ This was my first thought as well!

@Les Mikesell: Hopefully it's just an option... I've been down that road before as well and it seriously SUCKS ASS...

I keep waiting to see the alien slide down the lightning like that War of the Worlds movie...

@BobSuperJr: Not to mention it was EXTREMELY simple; it took me less than a minute including downloading the app. I'm sure if this was on the website, it would have had to have been a quite a bit more complicated (i.e. - enter phone #, serial #, etc...). With this, just load the app, click the case you one, and click

@DustyButt: First thing I thought of when I saw it was the snow monster from Star Wars... you know, a brown version of it...