
Pretty good in general, except that when eating an artichoke at home you wanna peel the leaves at the table so you can eat the bottom ends which can get quite meaty.

The stupidity of this comment is breathtaking. You are a truly amazing species of moron. Holy fuck.

Boats Botes.

Does anyone else feel that your comprehension has changed dramatically regarding America and how you fit into it? My anger will not subside and quite frankly I feel much better about it. As a gay man I will no longer tolerate nor hold out any hope that this virulent, disgusting and capitalistic country, rotten to its

Learning to tamp down the #notallwhitewomen urge and just listen was one of the best things I ever figured out. It’s a knee-jerk response that helps nothing.

Man, those trolls really jumped in on you.

We white MEN, especially. Credit where it’s due.

It’s just like all of the people who want to pretend Murkowski and Collins are heroes for voting against DeVos.

There’s a non-zero subset of voters who went for Trump now trying to hide under the “I got bamboozled feel sorry for me!” group that are currently very upset about this.

Or excels at missing the point. Or...both!

For all the white people getting upset at Mr. Harriot, I give you an imaginary gold star for not voting for a horrible bigot. Good job.

What I honestly cannot wrap my head around are the white voters who flipped from voting for Pres. Obama to voting for Trump. That takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.

Yeah, there’s no point even discussing this if your core stance is to reject the right of trans people to exist in the first place. This society makes reasonable accommodations for a huge variety of choices humans make that they don’t “need” to survive, because part of a working civil society is not being complete

Cal Ripken, Jr./Sr.

It’s not stupidity, it’s selfishness. Letting these people claim stupidity is, in a way, letting them off the hook. She knew what Trump was, she just didn’t care when stacked against her rich person interests. Now a response is expected of her when he reveals just what a shit he is and she’s given the bare minimum to,

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

he beats women

I got a problem with this. At best he’s number 11, with an asterisk next to it.

If you include one more fallacious argument in your post I think you get a gift certificate for free curly fries at Arby’s.

I, too, appreciate the value of differing perspectives. However, at this point, Republicans and any conservative, IMO, have lost their damn minds. Even those who are Republican based on fiscal policies only. There is a direct link between Republican ideals and the oppression and marginalization of people of color.