On Jeopardy a couple weeks ago, someone answered a question incorrectly with “What is the Affordable Care Act?” and then another contestant buzzed in and said “What is Obamacare?” and I wanted to die.
On Jeopardy a couple weeks ago, someone answered a question incorrectly with “What is the Affordable Care Act?” and then another contestant buzzed in and said “What is Obamacare?” and I wanted to die.
Then why are you so mad?
We get it—you’re having a hard time coming to terms with participating in Trump’s win, and so you’re doubling down on your “HilLIARy” bullshit so you don’t feel so bad.
But political nihilism is so much easier.
Is this regarding the product, people’s work ethics, or both?
Is this regarding the product, people’s work ethics, or both?
If one party and their supporters are gonna call me a racist because I don’t give a shit about Mike Brown, well, they’re just cheapening the accusation. And making me unsympathetic to their causes and candidates.
That’s what Hillary said she wanted to do. I have my doubts about her actually wanting to do it.
The problem with your argument is that anyone who isn’t blatantly racist gets a pass. The point of the spectrum is nuance, and you should be able to differentiate between David Duke and someone who says “not my problem” to race issues, while still being able to admit that they’re both racial issues.
“Blatantly” is the key word here. Not all of racism or sexism is blatant. Racism and sexism are spectra, and people who voted for Trump are on those spectra, leaning towards racist and sexist. If you can forgive racism and sexism, then you’re at least partly racist and sexist. If racism and sexism doesn’t mean enough…
I disagree. I don’t think the race card has been played enough. Racist people deserve to be called out for being racist.
I don’t think there are as many “Third Way Democrats” as you think there are. Even Hillary wanted to tax the rich, fix tax loopholes, expand the Medicare and defend the ACA, increase taxes on high frequency trading, etc...
This. People harping about black on black crime are ignoring the historical and continuing legacy of systemic oppression. Either they’re too myopic to reflect past the top layer, or they use it to deflect from substantial conversations we should be having.
Lots of people, Hillary and her team apparently included, entirely forgot that a large part of the country is made up of people like this.
As far as I know there’s no easy way to change human nature, human nature tends towards bigotry and xenophobia, so running someone who is good at appealing to the good parts of human nature should be our concern.
The point was that you said she was unpopular, but she still garnered that many votes. Still, in the scheme of things it doesn’t fucking matter. How can people keep looking past the fact that almost 63 million people voted for a racist demagogue who literally brags about sexually assaulting women. Maybe the concern…
Still stupid to blame the left for anything. Blame the 60+ million voters who voted for a sexually assaulting racist demagogue. I will never blame someone for not pandering to racists and misogynists.
Hillary got more votes than any other white candidate in history, and came within 72k votes of Obama in ‘12, so she wasn’t that unpopular. It wasn’t the BernieBros either. The problem was that over 60 million people voted for a sexually assaulting old racist white guy, and that’s fucked up.
People tend to forget that over 60 million people voted for someone who bragged about sexually assaulting women because they identified with the old racist white guy. But yeah, let’s keep on blaming everyone else.