
Let’s look at the case of CNN. Trump loathes CNN. Politico reports that he “singled out” CNN in yesterday’s meeting, and labeled them “the worst.”

If the democrats spent as much money educating “burn it down” voters on civics as they did on the election, they probably would have won, and would have the senate and house majorities.

Look, he said “drain the swamp.” Well, he drained the water out of the swamp so all the swamp creatures are free to roam about.

Normally that’s how it works, but Trump was able to sow distrust in traditional, ethical journals by playing off people’s resentment towards “urban elites.”

But this was not the case in this election, low voter turnout, independents, the rust belt flipping from Obama all indicates Bernie would have won.

They personally found him abhorrent. He also supported the Iraq Resolution (even if he says he didn’t), he said we need to bomb the Iraqi oil fields, he said we should “take out” families of terrorists, he wants to bring back torture, he said he wanted to give other countries nukes, said our troops should stay in

They all condoned it.

Look at her fucking policy proposals; they would have helped the “white working class.” If she had any way to talk to them about policy then she would have, but people voting for Trump were too zealous in their hate that they would not listen. Nobody ignored them, there’s just no way to get through to them.

Oh my fucking God. Bernie supported Hillary because she had a lot of proposals that he agreed with. Hillary actually had a lot of proposals that would have helped the fucking rust belt. How much policy did you hear? Fucking none, because they would have rather focused on specious Hillary “scandals.” They’re suffering

Oh come on. If they wanted to talk about the issues they could have actually talked about all of Hillary’s policy proposals that could have helped them. But they didn’t. They chose to chant “build the wall” and “lock her up.” That’s racist and misogynistic.


Oh yeah, the Democratic Party refused to pander to racists and misogynists. So humiliating.

They won’t listen to reason, so this article is irrelevant to them. They are too emotional, same as Trump supporters, and any reason or logic or pragmatism is lost on them.

It’s irrelevant, anyway.

Seriously, though... How do we talk to these people? That’s what Democrats need to figure out. Having strong policy clearly isn’t enough. Having ideas isn’t enough.

People tried, but the Trump voters were too frenzied to listen to anything people had to say about actual policy. How do you make someone listen who is blinded by rage? How do you stop a candidate from hijacking a presidential race with misogyny and racism, effectively ignoring any actual policy?