Donald Trump is gamergate.
Donald Trump is gamergate.
Cubs: Best team this season, with some minor setbacks. The team hasn’t won in a long time.
The ACA is working, albeit it’s not a perfect system. The point of it was to give people access to healthcare that didn’t previously have it, and in that way it’s been incredibly successful. The problem is that fewer healthy people have been signing up for it, so in order to pay for the unhealthy people who can now…
Yeah, my reaction might have been a little over-the-top, and I might be going a little crazy (one week left ahhhhhhhhhh). My angst is more towards the Trump voters (and Bernie-bros) who think tearing down the system will somehow help.
Just because you don’t like the outcome doesn’t mean the system is broken. THE SYSTEM IS FINE, PEOPLE, IT JUST NEEDS THE PUBLIC TO UNDERSTAND AND TRUST IT. The problem isn’t the system, it’s people thinking the system is broken.
I’m guessing Rick Rogers is a white cis-gender male who doesn’t give a shit about other people; so, yeah, he’ll probably enjoy a Trump presidency, where he can sexually assault his female coworkers and “law and order” will see all the negros thrown in jail where they belong.
Well, shit; I’m out of ideas then.
I think we just have to frame the abortion issue in a different way: just keep telling the pro-life conservatives that minorities get abortions, too.
listen to Howard Stern talk about being one of the only white kids in his Long Island high school, it scared him for life.
At least they stopped talking about Napoli’s sleep apnea.
I’m sick of Joe Buck blabbering about anything.
The problem with tape (if you use your webcam for other programs):
this is a shitty and ignorant explanation that could be easily corrected with a short Google search
Go ask a fucking civics professor if you’re still confused.
Herman Cain has a radio show???
I think the issue is that smaller states wouldn’t be able to influence any legislation because the bigger states could ignore their issues without consequence. It’s one of the many checks and balances in the constitution that prevent any political player from holding too much power over others.
I explicitly say Senate in my comment — and nowhere mention the EC — particularly to defend it against this HamNo line (I didn’t use the quote in the original comment because I thought it was obvious to those who read the blog post):
HamNo is so goddamn entitled that if his opinions aren’t reflected in the legislation then he wants to tear up the constitution. It’s obnoxious.