
Yes, and of course Bernie charged seven figures for it.

Okay, 51.5 km/h...? barely 7 km/h (17%) faster than Usain Bolt’s highest ever.

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I’ll show you an even stronger drug: watch this old tv shows (in spanish) about the WRC in the 90s and and early 2000s...like this: Rally of Spain (Catalunya) 1995.

You’re right Dusty. My apologies, I just got carried away by the excitement of his last stage incident that kept him from his first victory at the Argentinian round. Still, Elfyn has raced all season this year and save one DNF in Italy and a 21st position in France, everywhere else he’s scored points in every event.

Maybe is not that bad at all because then Elfyn Evans would climb up the ladder. He is very good, already won a rally and nearly won another this season. He’s been on the top flight less time than Tanak and clearly has an inmense potential.

Williams is his last chance, though it’s gonna be really hard to beat Di Resta for the seat. However, I’m not sure if Paul will be able to pull as much attention, for the season’s first part at least.

I forgave Porsche for the Cayenne when I drove the 997 GT2, then it started growing on me and I’m close to convincing my wife that a used Cayenne is a nearly unbeatable family hauler. It’s a through all-terrain vehicle, very versatile and in its category, very fun to drive.

Lower engine, better response and 4-wheel steering, sounds very good. If the last-gen was already cheating physics, this thing should be ludicrous. A Nurburgring lap-time would be an interestingly mad benchmark.

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I saw him at the L.A. Auto Show among other places and his english accent (while on Lamborghini) leaned more towards Italy than Germany. Good talk, cheers!

Yes, you’re right. He basically has no accent while speaking italian. Nice factoid mate.

The first time I saw him thought was Italian. He’s probably the most italian auto-executive borned in Germany.

I genuinely laughed out loud in the end when they say “leave it on, just in case”. French cars are so greatly engineered but often questionably built.

So no GT2 this time around?... with the 997 the released first the GT2, a throughbread beast by all means. And then, they turned it to eleven and the RS came out.

Since this post is all about weird stuff, I can’t help to feel a little turned on by that Fauxrrari F40. The sole idea is unfathomable, but it look pretty sharp for the untrained eye.

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Those few seconds make it memorable. However, I rather the Live On Abbey Road version:

There has never been a better time to do stupid things and be famous.

This is tasteless poorman’s X3. So wrong.

I was really hopeful with this one. I think its elongated, somewhat muscular shape could create a new way of American saloon. Of course it went down the toilet along Oldsmobile itself.

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That was a sad time and the only one in years Loeb would have a real title contender until Ogier arrived.

Mikko deserved more. But the luck of racing alongside the monster Sebastien Loeb and Citroën, killed everyone else’s chance.