Sadly, they always fall back on the reply "Yea, that's what they WANT you to think..."
Sadly, they always fall back on the reply "Yea, that's what they WANT you to think..."
Look dammit, its too fucking early.
it works well on chrome
I drove by a line for the iPhone this evening...there are certainly real. Check out the news feeds on Google for iPhone 6 lines.
Australian Jack Cooksey was the first person in Perth to get a new iPhone, making him one of the first people in the …
Last year, Subutai Corporation delivered the CLANG prototype and the other donor rewards as promised. The prototype was technically innovative, but it wasn't very fun to play. This is for various reasons. Some of these were beyond our control. Others are my responsibility in that I probably focused too much on…
Thats true, but truly Halo is pretty much the only Microsoft IP thats is universally acclaimed ( OK maybe Gears too but you get my point). But really if you have a PC buying a XO is pretty redundan. If you have a PC I recommend a PS4 and/or a Wiiu.
This may be the first Kickstarter I've heard of that actually refunded its backers. Good on Mr. Stephenson for being a professional. Hopefully if he tries this again, people will remember how ethical he was with the money from this one.
Taking responsibility for and recognizing the reason for failures, providing refunds for those who request them, delivering on backer rewards... this sounds like the right way for a kickstarter project to die, as sad as it may be for those involved. Bravo.
This game needs the oculous rift.
I cannot stress enough how you have to meet in well lit public places. In an apartment parking lot is not it.
you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.
Doesn't help that reviewing any MMO game is near impossible as there is no ending that all reviewers get to share.
"I've seen things."
When I saw the tiny thumbnail version of this pic, I thought it was this guy.
It's one of the most famous Simpsons episodes of all, and its trademark musical number one of Phil Hartman's most…