
They are disgusting people. She’s a white savior. She was able to swoop in and SAVE him with her MOBEY. His bio mother was vilified in the movie.  They only wanted him to stay with they became he played football. Would they have taken him in if he was just a kid on the street?  No!

This is all so fucking gross. Why the fuck are we idolizing them?? What are they the greatest of? Women are not still buying this bullshit are we?  Jezebel what the fuck?

They are beautiful, in the way that the disgusting money-hungry magazines told us that they are. And that we should all do our best to look like them and buy what they were selling, and wear what they were wearing but didn’t bother mentioning that we would feel like shit about ourselves if we didn’t look like them.

So gross that we are idolizing (greatest of all time WHAT?) these women who happen to be beautiful. They made my generation feel awful about ourselves, and really kicked off the plunge of self esteem for teenage girls.

Right, but her daughter is USING it.

And it goes on so much more than we know about.  Horrible to not feel safe in your own home.

Does it matter? Barely anyone is here anymore. And banning means nothing, they just pop back up.

After allegedly taking 11 shots at Michael Rubin’s white party over the holiday, Kim Kardashian

She’s not a bad person. Jezebel is determined to tear her down.

So now it’s not ok to just use a person’s name??  Maybe she’s unsure of Miss Benny’s pronouns and would rather just use her name than accidentally make a mistake. If she made a mistake, she knows and you know she would be crucified.

It must be people taking out a loan, then paying it back in full when they sell. Like house flipping. Seems smart, a very easy way to make $60M.

It really is.  But now that it’s gone that way, there are way less people here reading and commenting.

Right, there have been zero instances of anyone actually getting arrested.

Has anyone actually been arrested using this technology? Or at all for leaving the state to have an abortion?

Has anyone been arrested for taking someone to get an abortion in another state?  

Has anyone been arrested for taking someone to get an abortion in another state?  This seems like an overreaction to something that hasn’t happened.

Each state having its own rights, interests and laws is the whole basis for the country. This is how the US is set up. I don’t think people understand that.

That’s a stretch.  Messing with a person/company’s stuff and their ability to make money is not ok.  No one has the right to do this.

No the songs are terrible.  World class Sinner - ok that’s good.  

Where is this streaming?