Try as they might, the cretinous Missouri legislators can’t win their awfulness war with longtime rival Kansas, where Kansas’ then-AG once tried to subpoena all of Dr. Tiller’s client files.
Try as they might, the cretinous Missouri legislators can’t win their awfulness war with longtime rival Kansas, where Kansas’ then-AG once tried to subpoena all of Dr. Tiller’s client files.
Wow. Just wow. These fucking guys. You know how history looks at Joseph McCarthy in scorn? Welcome to the club you god damned shitlords.
It’s the same with movies. If people wonder why Hollywood doesn’t make more diverse films starring black actors, it’s because the foreign market is all-important now, especially China and that’s all Hollywood cares about. What happened with Star Wars and it’s diverse cast is the latest example because while it became…
*offer not valid in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Arkansas, Louisiana, Utah, Texas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Montana, and Idaho.
In addition to understanding how insurance works, I’d also like them to understand that bc can be used as MEDICINE and not just slut pills. Women can be prescribed them for a variety of reasons. 💊
This makes me think that the justices don’t understand how insurance works. Full stop. You don’t buy insurance for specific medicines and condition. There is no “diabetes insurance” that you specifically buy on the marketplace when you need insulin. You buy comprehensive insurance and the company is gambling that more…
So.... a 9 year old girl completed a course designed for what is the most elite outfit of our arsenal? I think? And we’re STILL having the conversation about whether women should be integrated into certain ranks within our armed forces?
Even Donald Trump’s daughter is involved in the family business. Reevaluate yourself when Donald Trump has better views of women than you.
If the Senate wants to filibuster a vote, fine, that’s a tactic that they can use if they feel it’s necessary. What’s not okay is not even holding hearings. The Senate should hold hearings with Judge Garland, and can then decide from there whether to vote no and/or filibuster him. That’s the scenario that you’re…
Some Trump fan shouted out with something like, “You lost! Trump for president!”
When something is that ingrained within your upbringing it is very, very difficult to escape. If “just leaving” was that easy, no one would stay with abusive spouses or remain in contact with abusive parents.
You read the police response to their daughter reporting her father had raped her? That’s more common than you think. Calling the cops often makes the abuse escalate. With that many children, she probably felt even more trapped. If the police didn’t help his daughter, why should she have believed they would help her?
It seems like the failure was more than just the law, but a society that seemed unable to offer this woman and her family safe and reliable options to report and escape the abuse for decades on end. And this is clearly not exclusive to France.
Two of my Nordstrom racks don’t even carry “extended size” bras. But today I was looking for shoes and happened upon a decent Chantelle for $30. I actually called my husband at work I was so excited
Okay. There has been so much talk-up about Aerie in the hollowed-walls of Jezzie that I had to go there myself. Imagine my unending disappointment when I found that they don’t carry bras in any sizes larger than a D in store. I was really hoping that a fresh brand would help my bra woes, but alas, it was not meant to…
male feminists can be pretty clueless sometimes tho
This argument was made 50 years ago, and your position lost. Sorry.
Let me expand on that: it's been well-documented that Tina Fey doesn't give a shit about anything unless it applies to her life directly. The woman has no empathy.
Anna and Gabby, you’re both surrounded by deeply religious people. With no disrespect bro their faith, can you please ask them this burning question by hat plagues my faith: