
Red flag is him refusing joint custody and immediately going for sole custody. An excellent parent recognizes that the children need a relationship with both parents.

Abusive people don’t look like cartoon villains, but rather like normal people. I’m not saying this guy is abusive, but posting a smiling photo of him with his kid literally proves nothing one way or the other.

Well that’s the thing. The only thing Rutherford and Giersch can ever seem to agree on is that they’re both good parents. Even judges have referenced this:

OH DUDE. Yesterday Chalupa Batman denied me sex because I have an insane flu right now. So I told him this morning that he actually will be taking me to pound town tonight, only Pretty Woman no kissing style and I will show him this article too to support my position like, if you really want me to get better you’ll

No, wash cloths help to exfoliate the skin and remove bacteria that can be both harmful and the cause of lingering stank. Just rubbing soap on your body does not make one clean.

Consistent with EVERYTHING else, the RISK will be socialized while the PROFIT is privatized. This should come as no surprise whatsoever.

For kids, it’s been proven. Adults, the jury seems to still be out as far as concrete data, although personally I avoid the “blue light” before sleep — I opted for the kindle paperwhite for that exact reason.

The primary problem I see is with parents whose kids have hit screen time age (which is getting younger and younger) who want the kids to cut down, but who are unwilling to set an example. A 10 year-old is not going to take a parent seriously who tells them to get off the iPad and go outside and play if the same

neighbors remember his son as a gun enthusiast who enjoyed going to shooting ranges with his mother.

It is the symptom and outcome of an economic system based on exploitation and income inequality, so I’d say it’s up there as far as internet hyperbolae are concerned.

Why would she even seek out the Pope’s approval? She’s not Catholic. That’s like me seeking out approval from a Mormon leader despite being raised Catholic.

This is what happens when you don’t copy and paste that disclaimer on Facebook.

I’ve been saying it for years. If republicans actually bothered to pay attention to what he said, they’d realize they hate Jesus. He IS a communist who hates people who make money off of their faith. He also says prayer and faith should be a very private thing and that no one else should know about your faith. All he

It’s situational though right? Flip that over and it’s “You’re done already, oh hell no!”

Women wanted eight more minutes of foreplay and seven more minutes of intercourse

I sign my final divorce papers on Friday. We used a mediator and it cost us $2,500, and then $1,000 for the attorney to file and go to court with us. $1,750 apiece feels pretty cheap to me. PLUS I AM FINALLY FREE!

Well, the reason for all of the paperwork isn’t to just get a divorce, but to divide up the property. I practice family law, and most of the effort in simple uncontested cases without kids goes towards drafting the the settlement agreement. It would be nice if you could just walk up the judge and say “we quit,” but

Wow. It’s not ridiculous because it still takes time to draft all your divorce documents, make a court appearance, etc. Then there are the court costs, which are often higher than attorney’s fees. Seriously, do you think attorneys should do it for free because you think our doctorate is a worthless piece of paper?

Caveat emptor! I’ve had to fix tons of mistakes caused by these quickie services. Cheap and “easy” rarely is in the long run. If you need a simple divorce, no property or kids, you can get it down by a licensed attorney for a few hundred dollars in most states. Just shop around. It does make a difference...

The Scott Walker saga is sort of fascinating.