
The nanny’s there 18 hours a week, which could easily mean two days 9-6pm, and the wife’s full-time job is not-from-home two days a week. It’s not fair or reasonable to assume that she’s with the nanny at home (or with the once-every-two-weeks cleaning person).

Oh god, I hate how self satisfied he sounded when he said: “I carry ALL the groceries.”

Go to the supermarket and then carry the bags home, you self congratulating twat

One the other other hand, this may not be the ideal place to spew your thinly veiled anti-choice fuckery.

At a May hearing on the bill, Heather Bellegia-Ernst, a mother of a child with Down syndrome, testified that “with nine out of 10 babies with Down syndrome being aborted, extinction is what we are really talking about.”

The way to address the gender imbalance problem is with gender equity, rather than placing restrictions on women’s access to reproductive health care. Similarly, I’m all for continued improvements and enlightenment re: attitudes toward and resources for people with disabilities. If we have a society where having a

Why couldn’t Lifetime do the Unauthorized Growing Pains Story? This is boring so far, and they haven’t convinced me that anything that interesting or scandalous happened to warrant a two hour movie.

I did this recently with some old acquaintances who were talking about the Patrick Kane rape case. I was like, “Uh, if I single, near a hockey star like him, and the moment presented itself, I would have gone home with him. I wouldn’t have expected to get raped”. Someone I don’t really know that well, said, “But

Yeah, that’s the thing. My close friends have the same values I do (with a couple gray areas surrounding guns, but even the people who are more into guns are into heavier regulations, so we find some common ground there). But I’m just not close with people who are anti-choice, anti-gay, ultra-religious, etc. There’s

During a conversation about a gang rape that took place near here recently, a friend-acquaintance of mine said “well what did the girl think would happen when she went back to the barracks with four guys?”

Maybe women’s misogyny hurts you as an individual more emotionally, but, in aggregate, it’s actually men’s misogyny that materially hurts women as a group more, since men hold the majority of the formal and informal power in society.

I stop being friends with them. And now, in my 27th year, I have thinned out my friend ranks because it’s not my job to educate or enlighten or try to change people’s minds. There’s no way in hell I can act civilly with the lady I went to high school with who’s intensely pro-birth/anti-choice. I don’t have the drive

I make them from scratch at home much to the chagrin of my husband who believes “soup is not a full meal.”

So a woman cuts her hair and stops wearing dresses and heels and still has to cut her internship 3 months short (Hooray women being punished professionally for dicks that are out of their control) and they’re STILL going to try to make the argument that a dress code is going to help. Maybe they can issue binders as

Society tells us that men should be leaders because they’re superior to women yet they can’t control themselves around women they find attractive. I don’t get it.

Ed Sheeran is what happens when a grown adult man tries to adopt Zooey Deschanel’s “I’m adorkable” routine, and it is horrifying.

Raise your hand if the following names seem way too familiar :

THIS IS WHY WOMEN ARE AFRAID OF MEN. We get messages from men who think they deserve our time and a response just because they have a boner. When we politely decline, they lose their shit. When we ignore them, they lose their shit. When we tell them we have a boyfriend, they lose their shit. And then all of a sudden,

“i offered to help your career” is a thing a weird producer tells you before asking you to the casting couch

I guess I’m in the minority here, but I thought it was a great question. Why is Hillary’s appearance scrutinized while yours isn’t? He missed an excellent opportunity to discuss the bias against women candidates and the way the media talks about their hair, their pantsuits, calls them grandmothers instead of

It seems many commenters missed it, too... She was using the questions as a way to bring up the media bias against women to get Bernie’s thoughts on it. She wasn’t asking him about his stupid hair. The fact that he shut her off without thinking critically about where she was going is really similar to the way his