I wish there was a website of people telling Koko about any bit of news and then taking pictures of her reacting to them. "Koko reacts to growing ISIS threat."
I wish there was a website of people telling Koko about any bit of news and then taking pictures of her reacting to them. "Koko reacts to growing ISIS threat."
"Animals and humans both experience joy and sadness throughout their life."
Yea, because it's like "no big deal" to hand your 2-week old baby off to some stranger you found on care.com since you have no family or close friends nearby in the area you JUST moved to. I have no idea why she wouldn't want to leave her fresh out of the womb newborn with a perfect stranger. *sarcasm**
I have been looking online for porn since I was 13 years old. Never once have I accidentally clicked on a link that sent me to pictures and videos of child pornography. Not even when I was drunk.
Wow. Just wow.
Sounds like John Grisham probably had too much to drink or whatever, went too far, and started having dumb opinions about child porn.
Court hearing dates change all the time, especially in immigration court. As people have said above, it's very common to have these granted for any number of reasons, much more trivial than needing to care for a six week old infant. Also, the opposing ICE attorney consented! When the opposing counsel consents,…
I don't think it's totally unreasonable to be nervous about handing your weeks-old baby to a babysitter you had to find within a week, though.
She addresses this to some degree in her complaint:
I'm an attorney practicing in family court in NYC....the other day a female lawyer on the opposing side decided to oh, I don't know, zealously advocate for her client as is her job and duty, and a particularly old school Judge decided to give her a completely inappropriate scolding that involved telling her to stop…
did you read this article
Because judges always, especially if the opposing party has no issue, grant leaves and extensions. Always. If asking for a leave was a huge thing that no one ever did, I might have a bit less sympathy here, but it's not. Extensions are granted as a matter of course, and the fact that this judge didn't is wrong (if not…
Seeing as the judge ensured that she had no other options...
as he commented how my pediatrician must be appalled that I am exposing my daughter to so many germs in court.
I am beyond sick and tired of hearing SAHMs complain about their long resume of "chef, maid, chauffeur and bookkeeper all rolled into one!"
It's a perfectly fair argument that anyone who isn't in Liberia, dying alone in agony from Ebola on a hospital's tile floor should shut the fuck up. It's a good thing to keep in the back of your mind to keep your life in perspective, and to perhaps spur you to improve the world so everyone has better choices.
As a writer with an androgynous name, it is truly depressing the number of times I have had people who assumed I was a man abruptly start treating me differently once they discovered I was a woman.
For what it's worth, I'm 110% sure that "accessorized" is the word that threw him. Having done a lot of historical research (as a dude!), I've probably never come across the word, whereas I've seen "donned" plenty of times.
Oh man, and the 1 star reviews on Amazon are even worse:
The book sounds awesome! Civil War history is such a boys club, I'm surprised he even concedes her skills in discussing battles.