
There's nothing in her quote that says Amy isn't a crazy fucking bitch. Just that in the book she's a more realized character. She's still crazy, but in the movie that's all she is.

I think maybe she meant a more nuanced crazy then just "she cray!" because his actions definitely add fuel to the fire.


Notice, Upon Missouri's Flag are Two Bears...just sayin'.

According to Mama CaptainBromerica, who was there that night, they did it right after intermission and before the orchestra starting playing and were all paying customers. (Since apparently people are saying they snuck in?? Okay, STL. Okay.) She says they were very nice and it was a very moving experience.

Depends on who you ask.

Seems like Gawker Media needs to step up how it treats its staff. This is a pretty mass exodus of talented writers and it mostly just makes me wonder why they're not trying harder to retain their staff.

Seconded. I understand why she's leaving, though. Being passed over for an outside candidate with less experience says a lot about your ability to move up in the organization.

Jesus Hussein Fuck, what is happening here?

Hamilton Nolan has told us that Vice pays their workers crap wages and has an awful work environment. Which can only lead us to believe that wages and working conditions are even more horrid at Gawker Media.

Not gonna lie, I wonder if it has to do with the leadership change. A staffer here was quoted "anonymously" but it makes me wonder if she was speaking for more than just herself... http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/media/…

Why has their been so much turn over lately? I'm guessing no one would actually answer that question. However, it feels very disconcerting to me.

I'm haven't read the books but I'm still not a fan of Frank; he's a bit too reserved and glum for my taste. (Plus my loins vote for Jamie every time.) But for some reason I did buy the idea of Claire running toward the stones when she saw them. After all, she's still pretty traumatized by the near rape and the fact

I seriously screamed with glee when wee Roger came onscreen!

Did anyone else see this exchange?

Perfect example—apparently putting your car in the wrong spot is worse than putting your dick (or whatever) where it isn't wanted.

So, that lead photo of Columbia just got me, a Barnard alum, thinking. Columbia is famously and hilariously obsessed with their lawns, particularly the South Lawn pictured in the photo above. The red flag on the left indicates that you are NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES supposed to WALK ON THE LAWNS. DO NOT. JUST DO NOT

I applaud her courage and strength. But it's important to note that she didn't have to forgive him to be a good person. Forgiveness doesn't make anyone a better person, morally, than people who don't forgive — and if you're in a position like this, you should make whatever choice is right for you and your own recovery.

Sorry, but I already have enough problems feelings eternally obligated to serve my mom. I absolutely do not want to live in a society in which I can never get to leave the the maternal home and my partner has to sneak in at night. Any way i can have the gender equality without the stifling family obligations?

As a former emergency and cardiac ICU nurse, I cannot overstate how much nausea/vomiting in conjunction with a sudden onset of unrelieved pain is a huge warning sign not to be ignored. Also not to be ignored, what we call "a feeling of impending doom." Patients come into the hospital with vague signs and symptoms and