
I think getting married for pragmatic reasons is just fine. I live in the UK. Not being married to someone but having shared assets/children is fucking stupid. For starters, when you kick the bucket, your surviving partner has to pay inheritance tax on anything you leave them if your assets are over £650,000. That

How i picture myself in cardigans:

I like to "Put a Blazer On It" to make an outfit more structured and complete. But, I am obsessed with blazers, sports coats, jackets and the like. If I could only have one black dress, black pants, black top and an array of blazers, I'd be a happy woman.

So much this. Especially in the field of law, where the majority of lawyers have narcissitic tendencies. The support staff that excel at working with them are usually co-dependent, to some degree. In this field, it functions as an asset, but man, it can turn an office into a minefield. And I _like_ my job, so I'm sure

Seriously, Tracy, put out a call to Jezzies for a month of sexual activity spreadsheets. I'd do one. You could put a few guidelines so you have some data to compile. It would definitely be fascinating, and it would almost certainly also be hilarious.

Yeah white dudes who used daddy's alumni status and fraternity connection to skate through ivy league universities shouldn't be running anything. They've had hundreds of years to prove that they can, and have repeatedly failed. You know that saying about how doing the same thing over and over again and expecting

WHHHHHHY do people keep saying this: "this isn't really tackling late term aborting." I'm about to have a rage induced stroke and as I'm wearing a short skirt today, I'll probably die, fall out of my chair and have my underwear exposed to my coworkers. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN.

"I don't believe I would equate this particular example with late term abortion. Abortion is something a woman does with an unwanted fetus."

This show is the tits, and I loved this episode for all the reasons you mentioned. I cried when Lena told her mom about why she wanted to take the risk (she's the only one without bio family in the house) and even though my little pro-choice mind was going MUM BEFORE BABY! I was really hoping the plot would allow her

I was under the impression that the very small percentage of abortions that are late term were overwhelmingly because of health issues for either the mother or fetus. Anti-abortion advocates try to spin it like "sluts be having so much sex they don't even know they're pregnant for 5 months/are too lazy to get an

Sure, patents are granted all the time for things with simple designs. But they don't hold up in litigation. Lululemon would have a very hard time defending the patent; that tank top design is neither novel nor nonobvious.

One or more patent examiners should have to go through re-training. There is little or no novelty in most of these designs, and even then, I'm not sure that the ones that do have novelty meet the criterion of "non-obviousness" (Essentially, if the invention something that a skilled person in the industry would

It's pretty interesting how openly maligned the genre is considering how much it dominates the airwaves in huge swaths of the country.

"But baby, all that's changing now, 'cause Mama's got The Pill."

Stand Your Ground was not a factor In Zimmer's trial nor was it ever asserted by him or his attorney. Self defense was.

YES THANK YOU. The idea that servers just don't give a fuck about their job is so fucking stupid. I don't get paid extra for doing an extra good job at my work but that doesn't mean I don't give a shit about doing an extra good job. Just like anywhere else, some are going to not care about service (just like some

I think it's worth noting that when I lived in California, in-times were staggered, because you don't need a ton of people standing around at 5pm. When I moved to Texas, you'd have six servers all on the floor at 4pm, all standing around for two hours twiddling their thumbs. I really don't think restaurants gave a

Bar tender here. I would hate it switching to a living wage. I work one night a weekend and make anywhere from 600 - 800 dollars slinging cheap domestics and well vodka. People usually tip a dollar a drink and things work out great. Also no cash is paid to the tax man.

When I was a server in San Francisco, I made about $200-300 in cash per shift, plus SF minimum wage (I think it was around $10/hr at the time, it's way more now.) The reason I did that job, rather than working in a flower shop or a vet office was absolutely tips. Because it was horrible and I hated it a lot.

it seems like everyone hates America's tipping culture.