
According to the "I was pushed out the door at 8 years old to play and not allowed back in the house until I was 16" brigade of commenters around here, NOTHING would have happened to that girl except she'd have found a well of confidence and independence sorely lacking in children today.

I think diets that have built in restrictions (not just veganism) definitely attract people who are prone to eating disorders. As someone who has struggled with eating disorders in the past I can spot the red flags. Attaching moral value to food groups, universalizing their diet as the one true diet everyone should

Yeah, if you look at the Manic Pixie Dream Girl wikipedia page, it suggests characters like Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's or Sugar in Some Like It Hot or even Belle in Beauty and the Beast as examples of the trope, which completely ignores the fact that these characters have agency and backstories and

I was joking, but still, we have Portman's Sam in Garden State and nearly every Zooey Deschanel character cited as an MPDG. I think we have a lot of examples in the '90s as well as early millennium of these characters. And they aren't simply annoying: they are quirky for quirk's sake, to pull the (usually) male

Zooey Deschanel. It means Zooey Deschanel.

It drove me NUTS how people tried shoehorn Summer into the MPDG box. Especially since it's pretty damn clear in the movie that you're only seeing the real Summer in one scene!

Let me share some old-school Jez advice that might help in understanding:

"I have no fucking idea what it even means." Classic MPDG. Just classic.

Another thought: you probably have a higher risk rate with the general guest population at the parks than the park employees!

Absolutely. As a mom, CNN's findings made me feel more confident about going to Disney World in the future.

CNN's findings are enough to make you view the whole place askance

I'm sorry, but I think this shows a really impressive screening process by Disney rather than some negligence on their part. 35 out of 300,000 when you know every child predator in the world would list Disney as their ideal job? Kudos to them.

The numbers reported by CNN represent one one-hundredth of one percent of the 300,000 people we have employed during this time period.

I watched the video when it was up. The security guards are being incredibly patient, and she is being incredibly belligerent and kept trying to make the guards feel guilty about her sobbing 8 year old. Also, she wasn't kicked out. They told her that she couldn't be in the pit with an infant, but they could move her

I would say, based on my (granted, fairly limited) experience in a semi-high-end hotel restaurant with really cool decor, that the constant instagramming and picture taking definitely adds some time to the meal.

Wow thank you so much I never would have been able to decide for myself if I liked something if you hadn't let me know.

More women should seriously start killing their abusive husbands since cops don't do anything until it's too late, and even if you DO gather the strength and leave, they'll just track you down and murder your entire extended family, like this piece of work...

Good thing that they thinned out her wrists.

These types of charges will continue to crop up until the FAA (and accompanying agencies) write clear rules on the use of these types of aircraft. Also, before everyone says "yay drones" we all need to be very clear about what this will mean.