
That's very true for me. My dog is not aggressive towards cats (she's afraid of them) but she's hit or miss with other dogs. You know those big dogs that think they are puppies? She has no issues with them but those little dogs who think they own the place or big dogs who know they are big? She will lunge and snarl

That sounds just like my dog. I've also perfected the art of saying, "Nova, where are your manners? What does a good girl do?" and she'll sit down or lay down but not without a giant sigh to let you know how much you've ruined her life.

I've had a ton of radiation as part of my cancer treatment, diagnosis, and followup. The last thing my body needs is more radiation since it can and will probably lead to me getting a secondary cancer. I didn't think too much of the scanners but my doctor mentioned it in passing to me when I mentioned I would be

I've noticed similar things with my mom. It's like every few years she regresses even more into childhood or teendom. I realized she went over to my friend's house last week to drop by when she didn't have time to do lunch with me this entire month. She reads Twilight, she once made me help tie her into corsets, and

I usually have the entire vacation planned and whoever goes with me is just along for the ride. There will be time for complaints and when we get back home.

You said something recently that made me heart you and I'd already forgotten what it was. I'd heart you all over again for this comment if I could.

She can do whatever she wants but it's a risk I'm not taking. I had cancer when I was 19. The thought of recurrence scares me so much 6 years later. I've done therapy but nothing has changed my mind that should it come back I could not take care of myself and a child at the same time.

I'm really nervous to watch what happens and leads up to that scene. This whole season has made me jumpy.

I'm hoping more is revealed soon. I can't decide which storyline is the weirdest yet.

Shit, it has been forever since I baked bread. I've lost my touch. I seem to remember something about water. I know I used to boil water in a pan underneath where I baked at times and shut the door really fast and I think at other points I used a spray bottle to spray water on the dough. I can't remember why I did

My generic Yaz (Gianvi) is $10/month thanks to insurance because I pay extra money a year to be on a better tiered prescription system. This is the best plan I've ever had but I pay out my ass for it.

You know, I'd never really thought of it this way but I feel like this is going to be the basis of my new method of calling people out.

Well, it isn't breast cancer but here's my experience. I had lymphoma. There are two main types of lymphoma, Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's. So we're up to two types of diseases right there. My subset was Hodgkin's lymphoma nodular sclerosis. In addition to the cellular type nodular sclerosis, there are 4 additional

Your dish towel idea is genius. It'll prevent me from accidentally cooking glow necklaces again.

My secrets to looking like an excellent housecleaner, especially re: surprise guests

I have two brothers, one 13 months younger than me and one 10 1/2 years younger than me. My youngest brother was definitely planned but the other one was a post-birth checkup "you know you're pregnant, right?" kind of visit. Whoops!

Replying to approve

+1 on Marquis cut. I didn't know I liked them until I gave up on finding a ring I liked and told my husband to surprise me.

Right? I remember the ads really focused on that image in the credits with the falling man imagery and every episode I feel like they keep trying to make me guess. Lane? Roger? Pete? Don? Ken?

Pete's having a season like Don did last year. He seems to want to emulate Don but only finds disappointment where he saw Don getting thrills. The elevator scene now seems to signify he's hitting rock bottom.