
But does family mean mom+dad+siblings, aunts+uncles+cousins or what? There was literally a table at my wedding that my husband and I stared at trying to figure out if it was his side or my side. The minute we let our parents have any say in our guest list we lost all power. Being Catholic on both sides didn't help

Here's the deal from my days in a pharmacy. I wasn't a certified pharmacy tech, just an employee licensed to work in the pharmacy. The difference was that I had only undergone a background check while certified techs do that plus pass a test on medicines and pharmacy laws. I was only allowed to answer prescription

I'm cautiously optimistic about this season. I see the typical "overly dramatic preview" is still going on but from the preview I saw a glimpse of Betty so all is well!

It reminded me of American Beauty which I why I thought someone would die. The resume scene was just wonderful.

This feels like the montage you see before some horrific accident.

I always have to remind myself that Mad Men takes off the last third of the season and the last third of each episode. I'm hoping this is something right now.


I'd rather have my foot run over with a lawn mower...

I want to hate on Pete's suit but it is stealing the show.

Crazier than a jitterbug and blackface and a lawnmower? Shit, I'm hoping someone goes out the window now. That's the only way this will top all the other parties. I'm counting on you Mad Men!

You just value your foot.

I'm the only one having sex in my town so far but I see several neighboring towns have some very enthusiastic people. I think I plan to make this a competition without them knowing it.

Can I get a full list of works written by Jack Kerouac's vagina? I feel like this list could be the best/worst thing to happen to my book club.

Wow. You've really given something for me to think about in regards to my relationship with food. I had a "eat what I want, when I want" approach during an illness too and chocolate milkshakes were my favorite because they got rid of the acid reflux, the mouth pain, and didn't make me sick. I get mad at myself at

You touched upon so many points I wanted to make. What a great comment.

I was helping a friend out with a home improvement project this week and her daughter just turned 4. I'm childfree myself so I'm not always sure what to expect. I asked the girl if she got everything she wanted for her birthday. She sighed dramatically, threw herself onto the couch and said "no" in a way that showed

Don't forget to check your Habitat for Humanity ReStore for shutters if you like this project. There's always dozens of like new shutters at my local store and paint too if you don't like the shade. It's a great way to save and help your community.

Thank you for that board. I needed that.

I once had a job that gave me 5 days. That's the best I've ever done and it was when I was in high school back in 2003. All my post-college jobs gave me nothing but would usually allow me to schedule a week off in the off-season without pay. My husband is up to 3 weeks paid but he's been with his company 7 years. We

Talley Griffith was my first thought but some of your other guesses sound plausible too.