
What's the minimum wage there?

That sounds about like my experience here in Missouri. I'm an hour away from TJs or Whole Foods so only when I take a trip into the city do I have a chance to stock up and usually I'm buying other things so I don't have much space for food. Aldi is a lifesaver for fresh fruit here and Costco can be nice if I can split

My lettuce supply cannot keep up with my husband's demands...or the rabbits. I paid to make the beds but I can't afford better fencing so I gave up and went to Costco and bought lettuce in bulk. Best decision ever.

I grow my own tiny garden and to produce any amount of vegetables to feed my family of 2 regularly doesn't just take effort, it takes time, construction, good weather, and a lot of energy and money for very little. Then you have things like hail storms, flooding, and multiple dangerous thunderstorms here in Missouri

It's so hard in the winter. I do great at this time of year but winter is a dead zone for me. I try to incorporate frozen fruits into things like muffins but I just want fresh things. I've already gorged myself on strawberries, blueberries, and limes so far this season though. I'm thinking raspberries and watermelon

I went to the doctor over summer break to ask for a note to get an air conditioner for college and he shot me down because I should just "take a pill" instead of trying some AC. Whatever, my mold allergies are unreal but thanks dude. Not wanting to waste my appointment, I asked him about my enlarged lymph nodes that

I kind of doubt that the kids are avoiding her kids just because their moms told them to. Shit like that tends to make kids rebel. More likely, this woman's kids were already bullies and when the other moms heard about it at first they made excuses like "oh, well they are new in town" or typical things like to ignore

My game includes the "sip for the biting of a lip" and a similar one every time she goes into megablink mode. Other rules include one shot per shirtless werewolf and when someone "dazzles" you chug until they stop sparkling. Guaranteed to make you completely drunk within 20 minutes. Twilight has greatly increased my

I even packed the underwear for my husband myself for this trip and he went and removed half of it. Even though he complained he ran out last trip, he unpacked it and ran out again this trip. I swear I'm going to have to find a way to stash it on my body so he can't remove it when I'm not looking.

This is exactly what happened to my friend. She went in right at 37 weeks because her doctor insisted he was worried she would go into labor the next week while doc was on vacation. My friend's daughter did fine the first day but then she started having heart rate issues and had to be transferred to the children's

I've seen it happen a lot but mostly because I was in band camp as a teen. The attention position caused a lot of people to forget about their knees. Sometimes in church this has been known to happen as well when you throw in Catholic aerobics (up, down, kneel, down, up, kneel, etc)

I'm a party-throwing maniac. I throw parties that are tacky and fabulous for no reason at all. Want to get really drunk? Throw a Twilight themed drinking party with rules like "chug until the vampire stops sparkling" or in the sequel, "one shot per guy without a shirt on". Bad movies are even worse with alcohol BTW.

I'm a huge fan of Ana White furniture designs ([ana-white.com] They are very DIY friendly and there are varying skill levels and users can submit photos of their creations so you can get ideas for staining, painting, etc.

Oh god, thank you for reminding me about water. I will need that tomorrow. Can I also add "If you want your entire family to take down rectangle tables and replace them with round ones and you choose not to show up till 3 hours later, you can't bitch at me that the tables aren't in the right spot, especially when you

This weekend I'm a bridesmaid for the 4th time in 2 years. I've got this shit.

I've lived rural nearly my whole life. I'm slightly less rural than I was in my youth because the urban sprawl keeps creeping closer and closer. Here's what I've found over the years:

I was so honored that she returned it. She said that once she saw the jewelry box she knew this wasn't just a hit but someone's important things and she turned it in. I couldn't convince her to take a dime either but I did make a donation instead to a woman's shelter in the area knowing she stayed there after talking

My home was robbed last year right after Christmas. 2 days later I received a phone call from my old high school saying that the police had contacted them because my class ring was found in a dumpster by a homeless woman who had also found my camera, nearly all of my jewelry and other assorted items. Without my class

Very true. If you ever need a beef tenderloin, they can beat others by a ton. I did one for Christmas one year and they were $4/lb cheaper at Costco than any other place.

Seconding this. Lettuce from my local grocer can turn brown after 3 days but Costco's lettuce keeps nearly 2 weeks. There also tends to be fewer rotten strawberries/grapes/whatever fruit I buy that day. Sometimes the fruit costs me a dime more per pound but the quality is so much better and it keeps longer so there is