
One friend announced to Facebook Superbowl Sunday that she was pregnant. Tuesday she posted she lost the baby. By Friday she had taken to throwing her phone at the wall when she saw other people constantly posting about finding out they were pregnant. (Seriously, 8 in a week? I know what they were doing for New Years)

This is good and it is promising but I hesitate to call it any sort of success when you look at the Iowa judges being voted out for allowing gay marriage in that state. It's like we're finally ready to admit LGB (and I leave off the T because I know of no victories for that subgroup yesterday) people are humans but we

@nixonsspeeches: Plus, many young people vote in absentee. I had two friends get their ballots in the mail today. Wow, gee, thanks Missouri. I'm so glad you mailed that shit on time this year.

@Hannapdx: I feel like they will maybe be one day honored in textbooks as sort of martyrs for the cause, so dedicated to preserving the rights of Americans that they were willing to sacrifice their jobs. Or maybe Obama will step up and appoint them. As a Missourian, I find them very brave.

@joannabobanna: Oh you got that comment too? Yeah, I unfriended a lot of people last night. I'm sick of apologizing for bigots.

@Cimorene: Everything here is right on target, especially it being a privilege to vote Republican and then to want a pat on the back or an assurance they aren't one of those bad Republicans.

@nrich: Was that Prop 21? I live in Missouri but I write a travel blog so I'm trying to find out the impact and how they'll determine the future of parks. Have they made any decisions on things yet or posted timelines for when decisions will be made? All I can find are articles saying "HAHA! WE WON!"

@Thealogian: Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. She is sorry that she's getting yelled at. She is clearly not sorry enough to stop having those feelings. Maybe she'll take this as an initiative to work on her own disorder but I instead suspect she'll use her time to write another book, this time about being bullied by

@vitajex: I'm fairly certain she was the first transient to go. Either that or other Hayley Mills was Miss Bliss. I can't be certain with all that switching they kept doing.

@PaintedTrollop: I'm on what I call "Cleaning out the pantry" duty. At this point, I mixed some random V8 with the last of one of my rum bottles.

@CKD1: I totally said the same thing out loud and then gave me my own rimshot. I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

@quagmire: I stick to that rule and man is it hard. This year I managed to do white and brown for a baby girl and a baby boy, they each got bear suits. Everyone awws and there are no stereotypical colors. You always win with bears. Unless it is summer. Then ducks and dinosaurs can take over.

Love it. My husband got me a season pass to the local dance productions this year and I've already seen one show and the Nutcracker is coming up and I'm SO excited. I love ballet and dance.

@miss_roxxan: They are supposed to ask for primaries in Missouri but you're right, a lot of places like to ask for the general election because they are nosy. Can you tell I'm looking forward to running into my nosy neighbors in about 20 minutes? My town is about 1600 people and we all vote at one place and they

@alicerapid99: Read down below. There are videos of him saying this same thing in the past.

I'm disappointed so many people are apologizing for him. He's clearly not sorry and would rather flounce from twitter than admit he actually said this and has said this before. But hey, he tells a good joke and reads Harry Potter in a voice we all like so free pass for this guy!

@Suzie Wong: Same here. People are willing to basically vouch for a man that insults women and their sexualities and completely ignores lesbian experiences. When people are willing to give him a pass, it says his ideas are more valid than our experiences and frankly, that's insulting.