
Honestly, I have to do a quick shave every day, use body washes, have a water softener and only wear soft fabrics to keep mine at bay. I also use Lush's avobath bomb if the weather switches from cold to hot to cold again because my skin freaks out. I can't put on lotion because it burns too much so I also use Lush

I do exactly this. There's only 2 of us so I don't need to go as often and I prefer not to take trips to the grocery store as often to save on gas too. I do a trip to Costco every 6 weeks, a trip to my local grocer every 2 weeks and in the off weeks I will stop in at the produce stand (in the summer) and/or Aldi.

A toast to all of us who had to learn ADA...what, am I the only one?

Maybe I'm in my gmail account too often but I've had way too many outages. Lately I've been doing pretty well but often enough these outages occur in some way, either a server error, chat being down, gmail notifier being out or something else.

In St. Louis, we don't have the option of rewards cards when shopping and coupons are very limited. The best way I've found to cut down on high prices AND impulse buying is making a meal plan. From there, I make a shopping list. Sites like [recipezaar.com] allow you to do both on there and it sorts your list by

@prospero: You do realize it's possible to create similar tasting foods without using the exact ingredients, right? Maybe these alternatives are cheaper in price, contains common household goods or will be easily prepared in bulk and that's why the recipe goes the way it does.

I worked at the campus Career Center. I worked 5-10 hours a week on my time, met top execs at companies, got first dibs on interviews, the best references and job searching skills, got paid to look for jobs and often had meals paid for by executives too. My job duties entailed making popcorn and passing out candy. I